Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wedding/Visitor Semi-LOA

Hey, so... many of you know that I'm getting married in less than a week - August 15th is the day!

My fiancé arrives on the 12th, and will be here for three weeks, so I'm not sure what my activity levels will look like for the remainder of August. Also, this weekend my roommate's kids will be here, so that's why I'm putting this up early, because I don't know how much I'll manage to write with that, if at all.

This affects any characters I have been or am intending to write, which are as follows:

[member="Andrik Perris"]
[member="Arro Peradun"]
[member="Atasihd Zi"]
[member="Eline Djo"]
[member="Idris Harnell"]
[member="Izaszh Zambrano"]
[member="Jannik Morlandt"]
[member="Meeristali Peradun"]
[member="Merrick Sato"]
[member="Nita Quez"]
[member="Selinica Miriya Cailis"]
[member="Siyndacha Aerin"]

I'll be reachable on Discord (I'm that Owl you all know and may or may not love!), but if my time for posting is limited, I will prioritize the Corellian Confederation, as I'm an admin of that faction.

Thanks for your understanding. :)

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