Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wedge Draav


N A M E :

Wedge Draav

A G E:


H E I G H T:


W E I G H T:


P O B:
Memorial Hospital, Coruscant

N O K:

Eliza Draav
Marcus Draav
James Draav (deceased)

A F F L I A T I O N:

Galactic Alliance Starfighter Corps

B A C K G R O U N D:

Born onto Coruscant, Wedge had little promise of anything else than becoming a shuttle pilot. He was even studying for it. However, these plans were interrupted by the constant turmoil surrounding his home planet. Between the constant invasions and hectic violence, Wedge felt inspired to do more in life than to more. As such, he enlisted into the Galactic Alliance Starfighter Corps, using his piloting skills to hopefully, good use.

After graduating the Starfighter academy at the age of 21 after initial Cadet training, Wedge has been in service since.
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