Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Weekend Getaway

So I'm gonna be in Reno from tomorrow till Sunday. Won't have my laptop on me, but I'll have my phone. I'll have to prioritize Dominion stuff though :p

Any art requests will be done on Sunday/Monday depending on how up for them I am. If you wanna bug me, I'll probably be on Skype.

<3 See you all later.

Tagging: [member="Xander Blackmoore"] | [member="Darth Veles"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Sawa Ike"] | [member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Serena Bouie"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Zathra Fett"] | @(someone I missed who I'm sorry about)

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Sitara Qin said:
Tagging: @(someone I missed who I'm sorry about)

Have fun :)

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