Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Weekend LOA

House hunting this weekend. So I'll be gone pretty much all weekend except in the evenings as my father will be here. He does home renovations as a hobby, so I'm dragging him along for advice. :p So family time on top of house hunting.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] @ anyone else I'm posting with right now.
Oh it is! I'm loving it. We're looking at a house built in 1910 tomorrow. Beautiful house. I went and looked at it already by myself. And wow the stories those walls could tell. The house does need some work but all very doable stuff for my dad and I. This is one of the doors to a bedroom in it.
Love finding places like this. Everywhere you looked in that house, there was another detail you didn't see the first time, everywhere you turned. I tend to be kind of old school and love homes that have lots of history. And the people who owned the house, did a lot of the very much needed repairs from new heating and cooling systems to new water piping. And they redid the kitchen. So kinda hoping on this one working out. We'll see what my dad thinks but he's already loving it. :D
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

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