Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Weekend LOA

skin, bone, and arrogance
I will be busy this weekend and may not be able to post; this is applicable to the following characters: Natasi Fortan, Lydia Finn-Camden, Talbot Vitalis, Verie Lacroix, etc.

Off the top of my head, this will impact the following characters I'm writing with:

[member="Jaius Sovv"] & [member="Claire Organa"] - I'm going to try to keep up with this thread over the weekend if at all possible
[member="Aston Jacobs"] & [member="Tytos Ardik"]
[member="Rolf Amsel"]
[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]
[member="Arisa Yune"]
skin, bone, and arrogance
I have to extend this until next weekend at the earliest as they need to rebuild my apartment and apparently my obnoxious rent payments don't entitle me to anything so much as a quick response.

Consider it indefinite until you hear otherwise.
skin, bone, and arrogance
[member="Claire Organa"], [member="Jaius Sovv"], [member="Aston Jacobs"], [member="Tytos Ardik"], [member="Rolf Amsel"], [member="Fiolette Yvarro"], [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Dissero"] - I finally have my apartment back up and running. Posts incoming!

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