Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
A fanatic nation of Jedi extremists has taken root deep in the Outer Rim.
Contemptuous of other Jedi regimes, they are gathering strength to purify the galaxy.
Word has reached certain parties of a convocation to be held at Dreadnought Station, orbiting the planet Parneauvia, once known as Osseinium.
Dreadnaught Station - The hulk of an ancient Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser, Dreadnaught Station is a relic of the Blackrow Hyperlines takeover of Osseinium. Originally the Osseinium Defense Fleet's flagship, Blizzard, the vessel was crippled during the conquest and left adrift in a distant orbit around the planet. Even during the days of Blackrow, the wreck had become a haven for smugglers and outlaws in the system, and was left in place so that it could be occasionally raided by the Blackrow security forces, who would round up the worst of the troublemakers and then leave, concentrating most of the illicit traffic in the system through one place and thus making it easier to deal with. After Blackrow Hyperlines collapsed, however, most of the smugglers and pirates who had called the wreck home moved to the old Blackrow Freight Terminal, leaving Dreadnaught Station to a subset of old-timers and outlaw techs. In recent years, the station has become a center of illicit starship modification and even construction, sprouting skeletal shipyards and other additions like cancerous growths.
WAR is coming to Dreadnought Station, but not a war of ship against ship or army against army. The Jedi Crusade's defenses are too strong. Your mission is to sneak aboard Dreadnought Station by any means available to you, and make the problem go away. Maybe that means infiltrating the extremist convocation. Maybe that means open violence or quiet assassination. Maybe it means sabotaging their plans or stealing information.
One way or another, you have been hired to destroy an empire in the making. Cut off the head of the snake. End this threat before it begins.
KEY LOCATIONS: Holocron Vault Entrance - Convocation Chamber - Control Center - Market Promenade - Main Docking Bay