Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Welcome a-Board

Location: Close by the Chandaar Hypergate, Deinon-class HTSE

While the workforces were busy building the massive space station around the Tiber-class Superstructure that acted as the basis for this massive hulking heap of metal, Tertius had managed to at the very least commandeer the central superstructure for the sake of a meeting. It was the first thing he'd done after hearing the unfortunate news that one of the potential business partners he could have within the Empire of the Lost, had for some reason been found dead, with no further explanation given to him. Annoyed by this happenstance, his reason for staying at the station still in its construction phase was twofold; on the one hand he was keen to take a few days off of his busy schedule to at the very least oversee the second phase of the station's construction...or at least the beginning of it, while on the other hand he wished to meet with someone who had been a rather veritable blip on his radar: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss , a man who had to be kept an eye on by the Marquis' orders for the speed in which a multitude of designs were being added to the Empire's fleet.

Ofcourse the head of House Nargath wanted to get his foot in the proverbial door of the empire, but couldn't do so without first gaining at least a strong chesspiece within the organization. If contracts could be made and N&Z products would be utilized, it meant a sizeable profitmargin in the future for the massive conglomorate known as the N&Z.

The conference room aboard the Tiber class superstructure was neat, functional and filled to the brim with a military sentiment in the form of its functionality and the lack of frills, with plasteel walls, duralium table, gray cushioned seats and a small seperate space where beverages and refreshments of any kind could be stored and retrieved from. Because of the use of this space, Tertius commandeered it for the remaining time he'd be at the station, that and the captain's quarters.

Having asked the members of his security detail to send a missive to the aforementioned military designer, Tertius truly hoped that he could get this man aboard with his plans, because if he could combine several talented people from several large factions within the galaxy, it would be a great boon to his expansion plans for the N&Z as a whole.

When Klaus would arrive, the Marquis would motion a few of his men to provide him with a beverage or snack of choice from the cantina. "Welcome, welcome aboard one of the two Deinon-class HTSE's...I do hope introductions are not necessary, but if they are... I am Tertius Nargath, Chairman of the Nargath and Zanareth Umbrella Corporation...and we, we need to talk about the possibilities for the future...both mine and...yours."

Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

Location: en route to the Deinon-class HTSE aboard the Hofund
Tags: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

Karl was hesitant to respond to the missive sent by the Marquis when it first arrived. Karl had gotten a bit paranoid after the assassination of Director Drey; if this "Fifth Wing" was able to get to the director of the security bureau, who knows who else they were targeting or close to? So, Karl did what any respectable imperial would do, he heightened security, not only around himself but also many of the other project leads and projects that were still being built. He now had a squad of death troopers near him at all times, in addition to C1RC3. While he would rather still be safely aboard The Nucleus, the longer he stared at the missive the more its contents intrugied him.

Unfortunately, The Nucleus wasn't going anywhere near the Chandaar system anytime soon with its automated course. Fortunately, there was a ship he could use to get to the Chandaar system, the first Hofund off the line. It had already passed inspection and was fully operational and this would be its maiden voyage using its 0.1 class hyperdrive. While showing up to a meeting in a fully armed war vessel might be an unexpected thing, Karl suspected that the sender of the missive might appreciate the chance to look upon something that Karl has only recently designed. After all, that's why he had caught his attention in the first place.

The hyperspace travel was quick, as expected with a vessel carrying one of the fastest hyperdrives in the galaxy. Arriving to view the massive HTSE station was quite a sight, an impressive engineering marvel. He kept the Hofund at a respectable distance as to not provoke any sort of unsavory emotions. He boarded his shuttle along with his squad of death troopers and C1RC3, although she was stealthed invisible. and reached the meeting spot. Once aboard he was surprised at the hospitality that was immediately offered.

"Just a cuppa would be fine, with cream if you would. Thank you." He responded to the Marquis' men, motioning to his own to cover the room. Then he finally met the person who summoned him, Marquis Tertius C. Nargath, Chairman and CEO of N&Z Umbrella Corporation. A man with ambition like his own.

"Welcome, welcome aboard one of the two Deinon-class HTSE's...I do hope introductions are not necessary, but if they are... I am Tertius Nargath, Chairman of the Nargath and Zanareth Umbrella Corporation...and we, we need to talk about the possibilities for the future...both mine and...yours."

Karl didn't need the introduction, its always good to put a face to a file. He had read what was publicly available to him and what the NISB had on him, which was pretty much the same. If the Chairmen was similar to himself, he expected that Tertius did something similar. "Yes, hello. Thank you for inviting me to this marvelous station. I know it's not done, but the precedent it will set forth will be awesome, in the traditional sense of the word." He looked around the conference room taking it in like the old man he was, facade or not.

"Oh, apologies, I am Karl Von Strauss, Naval Corp of Engineering. Also sorry for the entourage, one could never be too careful, especially after a high profile assassination." He made a motion with his hand that resembled a circle. To anyone, it was a random hand gesture, to C1RC3 it was to sweep the room of bugs and unwanted guests.

"At first, with the missive, you had my curiosity. Now with the talk of future, you have my attention. Please, go ahead."

The arrival of the Imperials wasn't as unexpected to the N&Z personel and the recruited laborforce from the Chandaar system as one might have thought. The N&Z security forces were numerously present at the station, which considering the highly experimental and quite advanced implementation of the station were in essence a necessity, not to mention that if a high ranking imperial officer from the Empire of the Lost could cease to function under such strange circumstances as the rumors suggested, too much security did not exist.

As such, the Marquis had mate a clear missive that the Imperial guest's security detail had to be treated with the same respect as he'd expect them to treat him with. After all, if he were to try and get this Imperial into his own fold, he'd need to show the man that the N&Z was not some corporate brute that tried to wrestle themselves into a market. No, he needed to show this Imperial that if all else failed, the N&Z could just as well be a good home for anyone with a bright mind and brilliant ideas.

"I hope that it will fulfill its purpose admiably as well, Sir Von Strauss or do you prefer your military rank when I adress you?" Motioning the Imperial visitors to make themselves comfortable, all the while asking his assistant to hand over the two datapads they were carrying and to have a seat as well, Tertius tried to make it clear that this was not some weighty diplomatic or military assessment from his end, but mainly his intention to see if the two men could find a veritable compromise, a beneficial agreement and cooperation between the parties present. "Now than...let's indeed get to the meat and bones of this meeting."

Reaching for the first of the two datapads; a somewhat larger, yet slim example with a large transparant screen, Tertius tapped on it with his gloved fingers, the soft velvet over his fingers gently touching the screen and at some point, he placed the datapad back on the table, spreading out his hand as the datapad created a large holographic image of a ship that looked like it would tear through most of the empire of the lost's current fleet of ships like a battering ram through a paper wall. It was the Sunderer-I class Heavy Destroyer that had been recently completed by the N&Z umbrella corporation.

"AT first, I would wish to show you this...I reckon you might appreciate being the first to actually be able to see this newest ships of the line that we are currently preparing our shipyards for," Allowing his fingers to slide across the screen of the datapad, the Marquis allowed a second holographic image to be created next to the already existing image of the Sunderer, displaying the Hammer I-Heavy Carrier. "Now, in your personal and experienced eye as a naval ship designer... I would be most honored to hear your thoughts on these two vessels."

Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
"Oh, no need for honorifics. While I have earned them, I've mostly been called Captain or Karl most of my career. So please choose whichever feels most comfortable to you." Karl said while smiling, crow's feet growing large as his eyes closed a bit. He was getting more comfortable, in addition to his squad standing outside and C1RC3 standing somewhere in the room unseen.

Karl watched as Tertius placed the datapad in front of himself, creating the holoimage of the impressive Sunderer. He put his hand on his chin as the image appeared, already digesting what he could see, as the Marquis placed a secondary, slightly larger ship next to it. This secondary image being the Hammer.

"AT first, I would wish to show you this...I reckon you might appreciate being the first to actually be able to see this newest ships of the line that we are currently preparing our shipyards for," Allowing his fingers to slide across the screen of the datapad, the Marquis allowed a second holographic image to be created next to the already existing image of the Sunderer, displaying the Hammer I-Heavy Carrier. "Now, in your personal and experienced eye as a naval ship designer... I would be most honored to hear your thoughts on these two vessels."

"I had heard rumors of your company branching out into military vessels, but seeing them, even in holo form, is amazing. I assume this is using your recently developed Tiber platform if I'm not mistaken." He reached out for the datapad, waiting for permission to pick it up, before doing so. He enlarged the Sunderer's image first. He took in the design,

"The size would make it a heavier star destroyer, possibly in the realm of an HSD. The angular plating on the front makes it... and the forward hangars... oh... ooo. You designed the front to ram and board enemy ships, that's quite inventive. But, given the size, the relative speed it would need to do so would have to be astronomical, unless." He looked up to the chairman, quite intrigued. "Is this design equipped with a SLAM or similar system?" He would study the design more as the chairman gave his answer, eventually turning to the armament.

"And the armament is nothing to scoff at either, well-placed turbolasers, ion cannons, and other smaller lasers and launchers. Usually, I would say that fixed weapons are a hindrance, but with one of my newer designs I've started to appreciate them more." He quickly moved onto the second craft before him, enlarging the Hammer. He spun this one around a bit more than the Sunderer, making calculations in his head.

"This vessel is larger than the last, but with fewer weapon emplacements, which makes me believe that it is a carrying vessel, either cargo or starfighters given the shape. Of course, I could be completely wrong." He said with a slight chuckle before continuing. "Again, the forward design of the ship points to ramming, but I feel as if that wouldn't be as effective with a carrier vessel unless your entire objective is to board enemy vessels. Replacing cargo or fighters with more men." He contemplated his answer for a moment before reducing the image and placing the datapad back onto the table. Most of his thoughts were based on just the visuals of the ships. He had none of the internal specs or if the inside was hiding more.

He looked back to Tertius, "Hopefully I haven't made a fool of myself or insulted your ship designs. I would also like to be honest in saying most of my engineering knowledge came from previous imperial factions. I've only recently started to stray away from the triangular design myself." He said gesturing out the window towards the Hofund-Class that brought him here. "Also, most of my thoughts are only on the outward designs of the ships, I have no knowledge of the insides of these beasts. But, given the way military science is advancing, these are certainly at the forefront of it."

Karl sat back in his chair. He hoped that his outlook on these designs was what his guest expected and Karl hoped he hadn't insulted the designs either, they were good, excellent even, but were far from what Karl had designed even in recent times. Maybe this was the future and Karl was already behind? No, he had designed a cutting-edge ship just weeks before this. He was an old dog, but he was also learning new tricks. He thought to ease any tensions, if there were to be any, he'd offer up his design on a plate as well.

"Well, since I dissected your designs, it's only proper that you get to dissect mine, if you'd like?" He said once again gesturing out towards the Hofund. "That's the newest design for the Imperial workhorse, the Hofund. That one is the first one off the line, practically experimental. But it should see its fair share of use in the coming conflicts."

He waited for his host to continue.

Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

"Indeed, they do use the Tiber I-platform, with some modifications to fit the profile of each ship ofcourse," It was rather surprising to Tertius to hear how it seemed that Karl von Strauss was more than in the know regarding the N&Z Umbrella Corporation's products, something which in his own personal opinion was a very good thing, because it ment that the man's expertise could come in even more handy than he had initially thought. "The fixed position is moreso to grant stability and to minimize the wear and tear of recoil, considering gyroscopic turrets generally tend to wear out much faster when they are utilized by heavy weaponry with above average recoil."

Listening keenly to the Imperial captain's rundown of the next ship; The Hammer-class, specifically the vessels carrying the "Hammer I" denotation, the company chairman could only nod in agreement with every word coming out of Karl's mouth. "You are indeed correct about the ramming and breaching capabilities that have been built in on the Hammer, I was somewhat hesitant at first as well, but my designers and engineers had pointed out that as the Hammer utilizes most of the Sunderer's shell and ofcourse the Tiber platform, it was better to simply leave in the angled plating at the front rather than remove it, since it would not hamper the vessel's overall capacity in the slightest."

Shrugging slightly when the Captain mentioned that he had mainly been working with vessels which carried the more known 'Imperial' design language, Tertius could only show a thin smile, as for decades the N&Z had been motivated by and building upon that same design language. There was even a ship on the drawing boards in the Eriadu-based HQ that was to be considered an organic evolution of the imperial style.

"We had been building military vessels for quite some time, but these are indeed the first two fully new designs in over five decades and are our bid to try and retake our former marketshare and prominence," Letting out a gentle chuckle, the Eriaduan male reached for a glass of water on the large table in front of him, taking a few sips and settling the glass back down on the table again when in turn, he was asked to provide his own insight when it came to Sir von Strauss' own designs.

"I must admit that we have been keeping an eye on your products, even if they are closed marketed and mainly aimed towards the market of the Empire of the Lost, they are without question worth our attention," Tertius moved on over towards the transparisteel portholes, looking out of them towards the docking bay at which Karl's ship wasbeing kept docked for the duration of his visit. It was a sleek, oddly un-imperial design, but it had a graceful air that couldn't be denied by anyone laying eyes on it. "For a vessel classed as...a missile cruiser I believe, it looks somewhat...small and diminutive, but I am fairly certain that the sleek lines and the dynamic design belie a powerful tool in the empire's arsenal. I do like how the ship even when it sits quietly docked seems to be fast without even moving, a marvel of aerodynamics and spacial utilization. The engine bay seems to denote powerful thrust and I may have a certainty that I know where those parts come from... I must say that I would not mind testing out a Hofund versus one of our newest Tyrant class Missile cruisers...they have the same classification, but they seem to take it both to completely different ends of the spectrum."

Clearing his throat for a bit, Tertius walked on back towards his seat and clapped his hands for a bit. "I hope I from my own part haven't been too harsh, I like that ship and would imagine that it will perform outstandingly in its field...Now, to get to the meat and bones here. We know the Empire has been going through a rough patch, a rough patch which did cost me valuable resources and a potentially profitable partnership. However, because the N&Z and I myself are rather stubborn, we are still dedicated to build a strong partnership with the Empire."

Again the N&Z chairman reached for his glass of water after clearing his throat, leaning back a bit in his chair as he took another sip of water to moisturize his throat. "This is why we have approached you. We are aware that you seek to continue creating ships and the N&Z is always on the lookout for thrustworthy and creative people. Your talents would benefit us both, since if you operate through the auspices of the N&Z, you will have access to all of our resources in regards to materials, products and production facilities and at the same time you can stick it to the Trade Federation which seems to have a bone to pick with the Empire. As such, I as Chairman of the N&Z Umbrella Corporations which to offer you the position of Boardmember of our board of directors and official government liaison to the empire..."

Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
Karl listened as the Marquis went through his description of the Hofund. Bringing out the details of what he could see.

"For a vessel classed as...a missile cruiser I believe, it looks somewhat...small and diminutive, but I am fairly certain that the sleek lines and the dynamic design belie a powerful tool in the empire's arsenal. I do like how the ship even when it sits quietly docked seems to be fast without even moving, a marvel of aerodynamics and spacial utilization. The engine bay seems to denote powerful thrust and I may have a certainty that I know where those parts come from... I must say that I would not mind testing out a Hofund versus one of our newest Tyrant class Missile cruisers...they have the same classification, but they seem to take it both to completely different ends of the spectrum."

"Yes, it is quite small, but that's a plus in my book. It is made to rush the enemy, giving no quarter, then unleashing a maelstrom of missiles. A little over one hundred every other salvo, that's one of the only weaknesses it has, its larger pods take time, even for an automated system, to reload." The corners of his mouth turned upwards at the mention of a small skirmish between their missile cruisers. "I believe that exercises as such prove our designs better than simulations. If you wish to, it can be arranged."

Karl did intend to throw out a weakness of the Hofund, not as an accident but as a slight show of trust to the Marquis. He has enjoyed the meeting thus far and was excited for the next part, the cherry on top. It was clear that the meeting was moving in that direction and Karl was here for it. He just didn't expect what came next.

"This is why we have approached you. We are aware that you seek to continue creating ships and the N&Z is always on the lookout for thrustworthy and creative people. Your talents would benefit us both, since if you operate through the auspices of the N&Z, you will have access to all of our resources in regards to materials, products and production facilities and at the same time you can stick it to the Trade Federation which seems to have a bone to pick with the Empire. As such, I as Chairman of the N&Z Umbrella Corporations which to offer you the position of Boardmember of our board of directors and official government liaison to the empire..."

"Oh my. I was expecting a job offer, but nothing of that caliber." He picked up his cup and saucer of tea and took a long drink from it. "The position interests me, truly it does. I just have a few clarifying questions before I say yes." He took another sip. "Am I only allowed to design ships or am I allowed to take on whatever projects interest me and would I have a quota? And what does government liason to the Empire entail for job duties?"

Tilting his head calmly to the side, the Marquis let out a soft chuckle when it seemed that the Captain was at the very least interested in arranging a test between the Tyrant III and the Hofund, it was as stated, a very good way to further investigate any improvements to be made to both designs when faced with ships of similar classification and to optimise both designs for their own niche within the classification's margin.

"Missile reloading is generally a problem when the number of pods exceeds a certain number... that is... if you rely on the wrong droid brain and AI support system," Tertius had indeed understood the opening made by Karl and was keen to further pry it open by showing a veiled insinuation that the N&Z could actually solve that issue. "That's why our Proton Auxiliary droid brains exist, expand the memory capacity of the main AI system and be capable enough to lighten the load of the operational functions within the ship."

Tapping with a finger on the table, the Marquis continued to listen to the Captain's motives and motions, nodding calmly in agreement when the question came if this meant he was only interesting for his ships or if he would have the freedom to go outside of this field. "As a would basically have free reign over any project...that is until I or the board would deem it to be detrimental to the company's image and vision. However, as long as you do not sign off any contracts with major factions without my knowledge, that would be fine."

Standing up, the Eriaduan motioned towards the outside and smiled. "Your ship, your rank, your designs so far have been fully at the service of the Empire, so it would be most logical for you to be the liaison to the Empire of the Lost. You would essentially become the middle man between me and the empire, you have the best knowledge on what the Empire needs and what it can use and as such, you are more likely to gain access to lucrative contracts, prime locations and connections that could further the N&Z's prominence on the galactic scale. It is an important position, for you will become the sole boardmember to have oversight on any and all operations within the Empire and as such, you only answer to me and to your emperor in that capacity."

Tertius did mention the emperor, considering it was the best way to show that rather than desiring to completely own the brilliant designer, he clearly specified that when it came to the corporate part of the deal, only Tertius was his direct superior and in the rest, his liege was still the only one to answer to. "I'm not going to lie, it is a great responsibility I bring to the table and hopefully into your hands...but as I said before: you ARE the perfect man and you are in a perfect position to reach new heights, be they in the empire or in the N&Z."

Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
The tension that was unknowingly creeping up from Karl's stomach was released fully from his shoulders when the Marquis told him he would have free reign over which projects he could do. A relief, while he loved ship and honestly, came up with hundreds daily, he wanted to explore other avenues. This job offer allowed him to do so, even while still working for the Empire that he was very fond of. Karl was doing mental gymnastics in his own brain; the empire was stretched thin after Tion, and the trade embargo from the federation was a solid hit to the gut not only to the government but the populace. Taking this position allowed for new trade to flow into the Empire, bolstering everyone.

Karl took his time, thinking and pondering all the possible outcomes of a partnership of this magnitude. His eyes were closed the entire time until they flicked open with a vigor which would be unheard of for a man his age. He stood up, adjusted his uniform, and began to extend his hand.

"I'll take this position, with only one caveat." He chuckled slightly looking at Tertius. "Well, only a caveat for me; I don't want a single credit coming to me. I want everything put into an account that will be made available to my son, Augustus, when I eventually pass."

Augustus, Auggie, the only family he has left in this universe, Karl's pride and joy. He was the reason Karl did anything at this point. After his twin sister died Karl was at his lowest point; only Auggie was able to get him out of it and reignite his ambition. His ambition to reach farther and further than ever. He hoped that the Marquis would agree to his last and only real term. Karl wasn't much of a bargaining man, he knew that if his worth was appreciated, it would eventually be shown back to him.

"I believe that we can do great things and every great partnership begins with a firm handshake." He fully extends his hand at this point. "I will live up to the responsibility of this position and with time I'll blow away expectations."

As it seemed they were about to come to an agreement, Tertius was almost standing up to shake this newly minted boardmember's hand, but then Karl threw in a caveat, a sort of desire from his end. Not wanting a paycheck, rather wanting to see it put into an account at his son's behalf. The Eriaduan's lips curled into a faint smile when he heard this requirement, nodding his head.

"I could do you one better," The Marquis reached for the datapad which had been revealing the two newest ships of the company and with a few tabs, strokes and swipes, the Eriaduan slid the datapad towards Karl. "You should keep your earnings as a boardmember, use those for your son while they are alive, but as a return...I'll grant your son five percent of the yearly innings based on the designs you have made. It means you'll work hard, and your son will earn well...and the company will flourish."

Finally standing up and approaching Karl to shake his hand to seal the deal. "So what do you think, is this going to be satisfactory to have your cooperation and expertise within the company?"

Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
Karl didn't expect the Marquis counteroffer, and he didn't expect to be upstaged either. Karl would have never believed that an organization would offer him something like this, offer his child something like this. He was growing to like Tertius more and more throughout this meeting, and this offer solidified just how much his talent had caught the Marquis' attention.

His mental gymnastics stopped, he had calculated the correct course of action. Actions that would not only preserve his lineage but also prop up the Empire. But, that was only one deciding factor; Karl wanted to do something that he loved doing, something that was told to him at a young age that wasn't worth his attention: engineering.

Karl stepped to the side of his chair, approaching the Marquis. "I believe that this will be more than satisfactory. You have my cooperation and expertise." He clasps his hand with Tertius' and gives it a firm squeeze. "Now all I need is a direction. Do you think my first line should be ships or small arms?"

While he had only just shaken the Marquis's hand, the engineering cogs had already started on full blast. He eagerly awaited a response.

Smiling while shaking Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss 's hand, Tertius felt relieved that in the end a good deal could be reached that would see both parties' approval with little effort. Karl would have the safety and security he desired for his child's future and Tertius would have the engineer's full dedication to his craft, a true win-win for both ends.

"Inevitably, the choice is wholly yours, as was part of the deal," The Marquis nodded to show his approval for the Imperial engineer's go-getter attitude, pointing out that it WAS part of their terms; to allow Karl his freedom as long as he worked hard and dilligently. "Though if you ask for my personal opinion...perhaps it would be most prudent to work with EnSol if you wish to design and engineer a product for our handheld lines, considering they are already working on a few replacements. However, you are as I mentioned wholly free to chose your projects and to lend a hand in any other product you deem to need your guiding hand."

Raising both his hands to show that the decision as per the agreement was in a sense completely out of the Marquis' hands, Tertius hoped to aid Karl in his choice by letting him do exactly as he wished to do, but point out which of the options the N&Z clearly needed the most. No matter the choice though, the Marquis was more than happy to facilitate Karl's needs and desires as long as it would boost his own company's production.


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