Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome Back (Sayuri)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Location: Lianna

The city was still a sight to behold even if she disliked some parts of it, the energies coming out while Matsu was in the warehouse and shop area helping to set up. There was a rumor her padawan had been spotted again and here on the city she could get Sayuri comfortable while offering a way to teach her without being in a stuffy academy as her hands were working on the holoemitters within the room. Machines were working while her researchers were out and working on a few things. "Do you think we'll have enough?" There was a look at the woman while Matsu looked over Doreen who had been providing some of the equipment and she took a piece up looking it over with a small grin. "We'll just have to make more won't we." The jedi master was focused and ready to begin while she let her energies flow into the stone.

Kyla Foy

Sayuri had returned to her master Matsu ike. It had been some time ago first it was on an extremely cold planet, which her master wanted to train which was deemed to hard of an environment. She would be learning in the outside world now instead of an academy. It took quite some time traveling through the help of troopers to be brought all the way towards the warehouse, where the woman was working at suddenly the door was opening and a young little girl ran inside holding her teddy bunny with her as always "Master!!!" She squealed as she ran straight towards the woman to embrace her.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at her when the voice came and she turned her attention back to her. A smile on her face while she moved from the table and the equipment they were working on. Force crystals that could be felt and worked on but those were secondary while she moved over and knelt down looking at the child with narrow eyes for a moment. Then a smile came across her face and she was wrapping her arms around her in enjoyment to her work. "Padawan." She said it while looking around and the holoemitters changed a little as the sound of the machines were being drown out with the workers in the shop.

Kyla Foy

She saw her master turning and taking a look over her little padawan. It made her giggle.[member="Matsu Ike"]

She softly embraced her master, while hearing the word Padawan come from her and the sound of the machines all around her. This was a whole lot different than the icey cold planet, she was to be trained on in the past. It didn't matter. They were together now and what her masters plans were, she had no idea.

After she left the embracement, "What you doing?" She asked cutely and childly.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at her and was excited while she leaned back a little. "I am working to try and make the place a little brighter." She had a look on her face though while machines were being set up and people coming in to get equipment. With a look over sayuri though she spoke standing up. "You look like you got a little bigger my padawan, all that milk you have been drinking I take it." She backed away a little bit while holding the stone and working on them to slowly send the force into them.

Kyla Foy

[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Ooh, you are making light?" She asked before looking around, "Why don't you turn the switch?" She giggled after hearing that she had grown. Did she really? She nodded excited and cutely, "Mhm, loads of Milk!" She said before pumping her little arm as if she had big biceps, "I got also very strong arms now~"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"That is good to hear." Matsu looked at her and was holding it in her clenched fist while leading Sayuri over towards the crates as they were building some of the things. She set the stone down while working on it and she let the stone glow a cherry red before almost cooling into orange. "That is good, we have some things to finish setting up in here and this will be able to feed and cloth ones who come to it." SMall deeds with great love and compassion they could offer to make the galaxy a better place rather then just fighting and she could teach her padawan some of these skills. "Now come and look." Matsu brought the stone to Sayuri and she spoke. "Like with this, the force crystal can be filled with force energy and slowly improved to strengthen it."

Kyla Foy

[member="Matsu Ike"]

What was good to hear, to turn the switch for the light? She was held and walked together with her master over towards the crate before settling down and seeing the stone be changing from color.

"But I don't know how to do that", She told to her master about setting up this warehouse for people to be fed and clothed.

When her master wanted to explain about strengthening a stone, "Uhm, that stone can...I don't understand~" She said giggling." She had many things in her mind which she couldn't figure out. The Kyber crystal, which was shown to her could be filled up within force energy. She never learned anything about the force and was very young for stuff like this.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at Sayuri and gave a nod of her head. "That is okay, this is why you are with me padawan to learn about it and you shall." She held the stone as some people were coming itno the room and spoke to her, Matsu turned and smiled to them for a moment while making a box of their items and they were able to get out with thanks and smiles. "The force and its power is infinte the jedi can channel this into the stone to make it resonate with the force. Slowly over time and with energy that resonation can take on the signature of the one who uses it and taking it even stronger then that it can become something more. The crystal is the heart Sayuri and from it you will be able to feel the heartbeat of the force." Sayuri looked her padawan over and set the stone in her hand. "This will be yours and I want you to keep it close and any force energy you have channel into it."

Kyla Foy

She nodded as it was totally understandable that she would learn everything from her master, but it just required time to learn the disciplines. When some other people had entered the room, "Hello, hello~ hello!" She greeted every single person having her attention for a slim amount of time to them till the lesson continued and she listened to her master, but didn't quite understand it all. She took the words in her mind but had never used the force. She was handed over the stone, "Thank you~" She said softly as she kept the stone close to her while holding her teddy bunny in her front pocket of her little suit. "Force energy? What is channeling?" She had asked her master. She had never used the force before and had not a high enough vocabulary to understand all the words her master used.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at her as she passed things out and turned to her with a moment. "The force is all around us and within us. The energy can be sent through your limbs and you my padawan are a diamond in the rough for this. I want you to close your eyes and focus the energy within your body. Focus it on the stone and seek to fill it with the energy you can feel." She continued to look at her padawan thought while she explained it more and knelt down to show her. Bringing light to her hands and enclosing them with warmth and energy. "That feeling is the energy of then force and it is inside you my padawan."

Kyla Foy

The education of the Force was starting and the first challenge for the little girl had started. It was to feel the force, but that would become quite the challenge. Luckily, she had a patient master. Sayuri listened to her master and nodded, "Yee!" She cheered cutely, "I am a diamond! Diamonds are really pretty." She said as her master knelt down and brought her hands close to the girl. They were getting closer to the hands of the girl and she felt the warmth. She giggled for a moment, "Woah~ " She held her stone tightly in her hand and looked at the stone, she remained quiet for moments to come, but it was easily to tell, that it was a failing. The fun of attempting it made her stay happy though.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu was watching her padawan and moved her hands back as she revealed there were a few other crystals. Solari and kyber harvested from the on Catia and Rhen Var with her researchers. Matasu was holding them as she focused on the crystals in her hands. Mashing them together and she was focusing on the force energies to create within them a force focusing crystal she could augment and pour the force energy into. SLowly she rose up though to the counter and looking at her padawan as some of the researchers they had to staff it joined her. The team here were working with the construction droids to finish up before Matsu was looking down as the girl. "Are you ready to begin traveling around the galaxy Sayuri?"

Kyla Foy

Sayuri looked at her master after having failed her attempt, "I will keep trying~" She had said, but then the other crystals were shown and her interest went over towards there. She looked at them and noticed that they were two different crystals, "they are different!, but more people were coming inside and she looked around more, the constructions droids were finishing up their task and once again the question had came to her. "Uhm, okay~ Wait first got to ask Teddy Bunny~" She said at first placing her finger on her lip before turning to her teddy, "Would you like to go travel with her?" Then she extended her arms to [member="Matsu Ike"] and used a strange tone to speak for the bunny, "I would like to go~ I would love to go~"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at her as she rolled her shoulders and her researchers as they appeared workign with the people who were there while Matsu took her padawans hand and was leading the way out through the streets while she was heading for the ship. They had one in orbit but getting to her personal craft was more interesting as she spoke. "Well then padawan we shall go and have some fun, there is a great many things to show you within the force and those crystals will be one of the first things. Then we'll work on your skills for sensing the force around you." She had a smile though while walking more down the street.

Kyla Foy

She followed her master through the streets of the planet Lianna of the Silver Jedi Sanctum. She held her master hand and looked all the time at [member="Matsu Ike"]. She stayed near her all the time as she held her teddy bunny by her other hand. She loved the attention, she was getting from her master. "Yeeh~", She cheered as she took another look at the crystal that was given by Matsu. "It will be load of fun~" She said calmly following her master towards the spaceship.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu was looking at her as they came to the ship and she looked up while setting a few things up. She didn't have much in the shuttle but making the movement towards the briefing room where she could sit with Sayuri and head up to their ship. "Yes it shall be a lot of fun and with the work we are going to do to teach you the force a great many things will be happening." Matsu had a wider grin on her face while she was working things over in her head and presented her wrist datapad to set a few things. "We're going to want to make sure you are ready so getting you a belt and a small pack to go and explore. I think a trip to the canyon may be in order."

Kyla Foy

When they went into the ship she took a seat when she was placed within the briefing room. She listened to the things that she was being told and held her bunny close hugging it while nodding a lot, "Mhm, mhm, mhm~" She said giggling as she heard about the things that will be happening, "Yee! I will look as cool as miss Matsu~What is a canyon? Is that like a desert with mountains?" She had asked being quite close to the actual answer.[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu was looking at the girl as she brought up the map to plot the course as she looked down at the girl. "It is something like that. A section of the desert with rocks and sometimes a river can run through it." The place she was taking the girl was just that and it had a grin on the masters face setting the course towards the planet and section of the world while she turned. "You will like it, the place can be very beautiful to look at."

Kyla Foy

A sudden huge map appeared before her while hearing the explanation of the canyon. She nodded cutely "I really hope so! Maybe I will also see pretty creatures! Ooh ooh, maybe I will be able to ride on one or give it a hug~" This was the thing she was excited mostly about to see the new planets to learn about them. She jumped after that through the room, "I'm going to see a new planet and all new cute animals~" She said not getting tired of it at all, she was sprouting with energy.

[member="Matsu Ike"]

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