Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Lianna
The city was still a sight to behold even if she disliked some parts of it, the energies coming out while Matsu was in the warehouse and shop area helping to set up. There was a rumor her padawan had been spotted again and here on the city she could get Sayuri comfortable while offering a way to teach her without being in a stuffy academy as her hands were working on the holoemitters within the room. Machines were working while her researchers were out and working on a few things. "Do you think we'll have enough?" There was a look at the woman while Matsu looked over Doreen who had been providing some of the equipment and she took a piece up looking it over with a small grin. "We'll just have to make more won't we." The jedi master was focused and ready to begin while she let her energies flow into the stone.
Location: Lianna
The city was still a sight to behold even if she disliked some parts of it, the energies coming out while Matsu was in the warehouse and shop area helping to set up. There was a rumor her padawan had been spotted again and here on the city she could get Sayuri comfortable while offering a way to teach her without being in a stuffy academy as her hands were working on the holoemitters within the room. Machines were working while her researchers were out and working on a few things. "Do you think we'll have enough?" There was a look at the woman while Matsu looked over Doreen who had been providing some of the equipment and she took a piece up looking it over with a small grin. "We'll just have to make more won't we." The jedi master was focused and ready to begin while she let her energies flow into the stone.