"You are, I'm not the one bleeding out 'cause I got shot," She snapped at him over the line. The speeder whizzed into a higher speed as she gunned it towards the tenement he had stumbled into. It wasn't far. Mica nearly ripped the comm link out of her ear when the man on the other end screamed his bloody lungs out. In all honesty, they may actually be bloody. Well, at least he could follow directions. "Hold it there until I get there!" She ordered.
She practically jumped off the speeder, leaving it in the alley behind the building before entering and heading for the stairs rather than wait for the lift. The trail of blood was telling, he was right about that. Mica jumped up the stairs two at a time, trying to keep her shoulders back and keep her breath.
"Don't yell at me until it's me that's causing the pain," She snapped, wrenching the door to the third floor open and skidding around the corner to find the room he must have commandeered . The place was mainly abandoned, from the little noise now that the yelling had stopped. She started running the procedure in her head. She hadn't soloed on a gunshot in a very long time. Blaster shots helped that there weren't projectiles but it was going to be a pain to clean and stitch up.
When practically tore the door off its hinges when she found the one he must have chosen to bleed out in. Correct, there was her guy, bleeding heavily, and what looked like curtains shoved against his wound. At least they were thick, she supposed. Mica stepped in, hands raised. "It's me, Chanda. I'm gonna figure out how bad things are, please don't hit me while I do," She said, her tone not allowing an argument, despite the way she phrased it. Screaming led to flailing which led to her getting a black eye. Not something she wanted tonight. The guy didn't look that old, but it was hard to tell with sweat and blood in the way. She threw her hands through her hair to pile it on top of her head and knelt down next to him. Slinging her bag off her shoulder and taking out a pair of gloves, she mentally talked herself through what needed doing.
The wound was still bleeding as far as she could tell. She touched his upper arm first to make him aware of her hands before probing it to find the large vein she could apply indirect pressure to stem the blood flow until she could see what she was dealing with.
"You can drop the curtain now, I brought bandages," Mica instructed him, scrounging with her free hand for the packs of white cloth and offering them to him. "Now you can tell me what in Force's name happened. Talking will make it hurt less." It wouldn't, but it would take his mind off the pain she was probably going to cause before she could numb him and start stitching.
[member="Salig Danza"]