Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome Home

Exis Station, 1400 hours.

Rylan walked around the seemingly endless corridors, not because he was lost, but because he needed to clear his head. A child. It had never occurred to him that he had fathered a child with Nef, but when she revealed the truth to him, things clicked into place that hadn't before. Of course, it had to make sense. If only he had known before... No. He shook his head as he chastised himself. There was no way of knowing he would have stayed had he known about the boy. At the time, he was in too much duress. He had been in such a need to get away, to distance himself from everything, everyone, that even that fact would not have deterred him. But now... Now, he was done running. He was ready to face everything he left behind, to become a father, and a husband. Maybe he would even be convinced to return to the Order. Though, he wasn't sure how well that would go. Steeling himself at once, he turned heel and headed the opposite direction to the nursery, where his son was being kept, and where [member="Nefertari Sovint"] would be waiting for him. There was no turning back now.
Nefertari sat on the floor, playing with blocks with her son. Somewhat out of habit, she turned her head when the door opened to see who it was. She couldn't have been more thrilled if the man had walked in with the family she'd been displaced from. Giving Articus a quick hug, she got up and walked over to her fiance.

She embraced him "Thank you ever so much for coming back to me."

Articus soon came over and put his arms around his parents' legs.
"Do you know who this is, Articus?"
"Daddy." he replied, not letting go of Nef or Gherron.
"Adorable, isn't he? He clearly gets his looks from you."

Finally, the three of them could be a family. Hopefully Gherron would bring up the marriage issue on his own...if not, something would definitely prompt it.

(Finally a worthy post, sorry about the one before.)

[member="Rylan Thatcher"]​
Upon seeing his love, Rylan embraced her with such emotion, finally letting himself be with her again. It was definitely a touching moment for both of them. He jumped when something grabbed hold of his legs, then looked down to see a blond boy of just over two years looking back at him. At a loss for words, he just stared at the small human in wonder, the fact barely registering that this was his child, his son brought into the galaxy. Emotions flooded him at once; joy, fear, excitement, and uncertainty all blended into one. That's when he earned another name for himself. He'd been Gherron Vael. Jedi Knight, protector, peacekeeper. He'd been Rylan Thatcher. Rogue, hunter, and shadow. Now, as he looked into his child's eyes, he was once more Gherron Vael, but with the title of 'daddy.' Smiling softly, he picked Articus up and ruffled his hair, getting a giggle from the boy. "Articus. I like it."

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Something seemed off about Nef's lover boy. She hadn't noticed at the time when they were on the Omega, or before.

"Gherron, you changed your hair color."
She paused
"A good disguise, but you always looked better blonde. It suits you more."
And you don't look sort of like my ex. she thought.

A beautiful smile came to Nef's face when she saw Articus and Gherron getting on well.
"I like the name as well, I thought it was strong but cute. Like him and his father."
The moment was sinking in, they were parents..and finally reunited. Gherron wasn't going anywhere for now.
"I love you...both of you"

[member="Rylan Thatcher"]​
Rylan -no, Gherron- chuckled about the comment concerning his hair. It was a good disguise, sure, but he had a feeling he wouldn't be needing it for a long time to come now. "Blonde huh? I'll get right on that." Looking at Articus again, he couldn't help the large amounts of joy and pride welling up inside him. "I love you too. I promise you both i'll never leave. Not again." Then a thought came to him, one he probably already knew the answer to. "Does Josh know?" He'd been in close contact with his old master and friend for some time now, after the Jedi had found him, and he had figured that because of their relationship, Nef would have confided in him. Not that it was a bad thing, but Gherron wanted to be able to tell the man himself.

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
"Does Josh know?" Her fiance asked

"You know? I am honestly not sure. He has certainly seen me with Articus, though whether or not he's concluded that I am his mother is anybody's guess. I left for a time while I was pregnant, and returned a bit after he was born."

She was joyous to hear Gherron tell her he had no intention of leaving her again. Losing herself for a moment, she planted a kiss on her fiance; prompting a questioning look from their son.

"By the way, when are you going to marry me?" She hated to bring this up now, but it was the best time.

She gave a friendly smile when Gherron was silent for a moment.
"I do not need your answer now, we should just be glad to be back with each other."
Articus had started drawing a picture of his family. Crayons and paper were scattered on the floor.
[member="Gherron Vael"]​
"We can let Josh know together if you like" Nef said sitting down beside the little human.

She ruffled Articus' hair "Is he not just the cutest thing?"

Nef had been worried for a while that Articus would never meet Gherron. Now there was that out of the way and a good male role model for him.

[member="Gherron Vael"]​

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