Neutral Good for the Win
Romeo was on the planet of Tera Lush because it wasn't apart of the major circles of the other factions. Many would believe this planet to be somewhat haunted with the past filled with energy vampires, it was odd but it had gotten him something in return. His dead family had owned some estate here on the planet and now it was his! It was some old looking castle that was in some war, it was a little roughed up but it wasn't bad. It had about hundred rooms, filled with who knows what but many could live here.
His ship could park in the front of the courtyard, maybe he should make a landing pad at the top of the castle. Many defenses were being placed along the corners and walls from others, this was going to be his stronghold for the time being. Anyone with his group would be able to enjoy the comfort of the castle, as he had called them for the first meeting. Many would like to stake a claim, others idea's about what there first actions would be and how would this group advance in the future.
He was a planner, he already a job lined up for them. It would be a good first start, so nothing should go out of place if they plan accordingly. Now, he was waiting in the main chamber, a large stone throne at the very end of the room where he sat and in the enter is a round table of wood. It was so odd, but this is where everyone will sit to have a chat over there roles.
[member="Jeff Solaris"]
[member="Morgaine deWinter"]
[member="Asher Kellan"]