Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome to Drey's Mine [Invite Only]

| [member="Darth Pikiran"] / [member="Matreya"] | [member="Gray Raxis"] | [member="Durza the Zealous"] | [member="Miss Blonde"] | [member="Alexei Makarov"] |

Cortosis was an extremely rare ore. It was capable of resisting the energy of a blaster bolt, which was useful for storage compartments. It also held the property of withstanding a lightsaber, with the famous blades of the Jedi and Sith unable to cut through it. It could even short circuit a lightsaber into turning off, making it dangerous against the wielder of said blade.

It was for these reasons Alicia was selling Cortosis to a group of customers, who had expressed interest in buying the rare ore from her. In return for 200,000cr, each of them would receive 40Gs worth of Cortosis for their use. She did not care what they used it for. Probably a weapon or defensive piece. Just so long as they paid her in full when they arrived and left without a fuss, with their Cortosis in hand.

In preparation for the expedition to Obradaan, Alicia had got in touch with the Jin'ha miners to explain that the Cortosis mine in question now belonged to her. The Jin'ha were natives to Obradaan and they normally worked in Cortosis mines owned by Emeritus Industries. Drey's Mine had belonged to Emeritus, but had been passed over to her in exchange for her shares in the company, as well as some other agreements. When it became clear that the mine now belonged to Alicia, the Jin'ha had agreed to continue working the mine like normal. Nothing had really changed. It was just another Cortosis mine to them.

With preparations made, all that was needed was for all parties to pay and exchange on what they had agreed on. Thus, Alicia waited patiently outside her mine, waiting for each member of the group to arrive.
Gray had transferred what he owed for his trip to the cortosis mine on Obradaan already. He was on his way there now also, but his interest was not really in the cortosis itself. He didn't have any kind of project that was using the stuff. He wasn't even planning on selling it or giving it away to someone else right now. He was showing up to meet with [member="Alicia Drey"] about another matter. He wanted to see her and get to know her personally. He had heard a bit about her, such as she was a skilled business woman, from rumors and some drunken conversations with his boss James Justice. He had heard things, but he didn't know for sure and he wanted to change that.

Gray landed as close to the mine as he could and walked out to the coordinates he had been given. He never liked walking through swamps and definitely didn't like it now either. He eventually found the outside of the mine and saw a woman standing there. It seemed he was the first one to arrive. He walked over to her with a smile on his face. He held a hand out as he said, " Hello there. You must be Alicia. James said you were pretty, but he should have said beautiful instead. That is much more accurate." He paused a moment as he winked to her then added, " I'm Gray Raxis. It is a pleasure to meet with you. I hope you are doing well. I heard you pulled out of your old company. Can't say I blame you either after the rumors that buzzed around about reasons why. I would have done the same honestly."
| [member="Darth Pikiran"] / [member="Matreya"] | [member="Gray Raxis"] | [member="Durza the Zealous"] | [member="Alexei Makarov"] |

"Welcome to my mine, Gray."

Moving towards him, Alicia slid her arm around Gray's own and hooked it, putting her body up against his side. "You know James, huh? We're very good friends. And I see his charm has rubbed off on you?" Laughing, Alicia gestured to the mine. "Yeah, I had to pull out of Emeritus. Vitor Imperieuse is too pro-Republic for my like. And I was under the impression that I would take over the company after the death of the old owner. But that didn't happen. Still, I didn't come out of it without anything."

"I took this mine as compensation. The other Cortosis mines around here belong to Emeritus, but not this one. This is Drey's Mine. My mine. And it has the richest deposits of Cortosis ore on Obradaan, based on Emeritus' own data. Speaking of Cortosis."

Alicia unhooked herself from Gray and walked around to face him. "I trust you didn't come all this way to compliment my looks?" Grinning, she placed her hands on her hips. "You know the price. Two hundred thousand Gray."
Valashu yawned, attempting to stifle it, with little success, as he approached the duo. The cigarette had an odd smell to the smoke, one that would take an avid partaker of drugs to recognize as Rokna Blue. Taking a drag left a look of peace on his face a moment before he flipped the but into the air.

A small flame scorched it mid flight, so as not to litter.

Drawing down his Archer Vest's hood, Valashu nodded to the woman, "I am guessing that you're the one I came to see?" Reaching into the pocket of his Lorn'iseth Jacket, he withdrew the metal container that held his laced cancer sticks. Removing one, he placed it between his teeth similarly to the one recently vacating the position. Drawing a lighter from the same pocket, he flipped the lid which ignited the flame, then held it to the tip while inhaling deeply.

"Name's Matreya, I believe I am expected." Valashu said, as always using one of many aliases. Even the legal name given so rarely was an alias. The last name Bonkai was made up after a bad cartoon he had watched before being transported to this universe.

Slipping the case back into the aforementioned pocket, Val used the other hand to grip the cigarette between pointer and thumb as he took it from his mouth so the smoke wouldn't drift uncomfortably towards the others.

At the last moment he recognized Gray, then held out a hand, "Raxis. A pleasure. We still need to do that mining job by the by."

[member="Alicia Drey"][member="Gray Raxis"]
| [member="Matreya"] | [member="Gray Raxis"] | [member="Durza the Zealous"] | [member="Alexei Makarov"] |

Alicia turned to Matreya as he introduced himself. Listening, she gave the man a pleasant smile and lifted a hand to shake his. "Welcome, Matreya. You have another one of those?" Gesturing to the cigarette in his mouth, Alicia allowed her face to smooth out, her smile dropping after a few seconds.
Val grinned as he pulled forth his container, "A woman that smokes? Isn't that quite the scenario." He said as he flipped it open to offer her one, "Take one from the right. Your welcome to the ones on left, but those are more for the partying type." Offering a wink, he waited until it was taken, then closed the container before slipping it once more into his coat.

Bringing the cigarette up for another hit, he exhaled through his nose and mouth while he spoke, "So other than Gray and myself, anyone else that might show??" He queried.

[member="Alicia Drey"]
| [member="Matreya"] | [member="Gray Raxis"] |

Leaning towards the cigarette pack, Alicia picked one of the cigarettes from the left. Slipping the end of the stick in between her lips, she mumbled: "Do you have a lighter?" Leaning in when Matreya moved to light up her cigarette, she leaned back and exhaled. The herb that Matreya had included in the cigarette was powerful, but nothing that Alicia had felt before. She had sat in parties hosted by the Hutts and an assortment of other crime lords, who always offered potent drugs and alcohol for their guests.

"I think the three of us have waited long enough for the others that were supposed to join us," Alicia admitted, miffed that she had been upstaged. "If you both of you will follow me, we'll finalize the transaction and then I'll have your Cortosis arranged for you to take."

Turning around from both of them, she exhaled another cloud of smoke from her mouth and nostrils, lowering the cigarette from her lips as she led Matreya and Gray to one of the barracks. Alicia knew that she now had an extra amount of Cortosis. The fact that only two of the supposed five turned up to buy from her meant that she had lost some money. Mining Cortosis was expensive, despite the cheapness of using the Jin'ha has a work force and the fact that she had obtained the mine without little to no cost.

She knew that one of the reserves were for Patricia Susan Garter, as part of the package Alicia had formed for the Horde Holocron. Then there were two more for Matreya and Gray for the combined total of 400,000cr. But there was two more that Alicia had to make a choice for. She decided that she would take them with her, on board the Initium, when the transaction was completed.
"Awesome." Val said as he flicked the butt of his cigarette to the side, then followed the woman into the mine. He wondered what would happen with the rest of the sales the woman had mentioned, as no one else showed up. They could be made to stay in her care, but that seemed less than likely as she obviously wanted the cash.

"So, you going to be selling the other shares? Merr-Sonn could definitely use them. We would be willing to negotiate a bulk price if you are."

[member="Alicia Drey"]
Gray turned nodded to [member="Alicia Drey"] with a smile on his face. He followed her into the mine as he said, " I have already transferred the payment to your auction, but it would be perfect if you confirmed this. Weird things happen sometimes when credits are involved after all. Also speaking of those who are not showing up, I would be happen to pay you for their share of the cortosis. I might have some use for it and why not get it while I can right? Just let me know what you think on this gorgeous." There he went again being flirty. He was going to get himself into trouble one of these days if he didn't watch himself. It didn't seem like she would be the one to get after him though. She was as pleasant to be around as he had heard. He just needed to get this trip finished up so he could try to move onto the next bit of business with her.


OOC: Sorry for the delay in my post. I have been kind of lost on which threads I owe what to lately. Also not sure how to react to the changes Arok. Is he the same person Gray knows or a different one?
Following her brief meeting with Gray and Valashu, Alicia arranged for their 40g of Cortosis to be loaded onto their respective ships, now that the transaction had been completed. She had been left with a dilemma, however. Three out of the five customers that Alicia was supposed to meet with out of her mine had not shown up. Given that a day had passed since they arranged to meet up, it was unlikely that they were ever going to shown up and that left Alicia with a problem.

She had an excess of Cortosis ore and nobody to buy it all. Debating the issue, Alicia reasoned that she could place another add on the HoloNet, explaining to interested parties that she had an excess of Cortosis ore on sale. However, given the fact that she had been let down last time, she felt that she did not want to do this. Pondering over the decision, Alicia sat within one of the barracks near hers and the other Cortosis mines, sat at a desk as she debated over what to do.
To help her decision, Alicia brought out a datapad and activated it, deciding that she would review her stocks and assets, to see where- if any- would need any Cortosis. With it's energy and conductive properties, Alicia had use for Cortosis for other means other than retail and sale. Although her customers would never know, she had selected this mine- not for it's generation of credit- but because she could use it later as a means to create weapons and defensive technologies as part of her secret work.

Then it came to her. With the recent return of Chandrila DataTech to her ownership, after coincidentally delivering Cortosis ore to the companies other shareholder, Taeli Rae, Alicia now had access to Anax Arms, a small weapons company that had been bought for her by Serj Sulari, her Muun representative and associate from the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Meaning to finally begin development of the company, what better than to begin production of weapons and defensive technology with Cortosis?

It wouldn't be anything big. The company wasn't in position to do that. However, the properties of Cortosis had other uses than your average weapon or shield. Alicia was aware that Cortosis could be used to create crates. These were particularly useful during battles, as the transportation of goods inside were more likely to survive an attack inside a Cortosis crate than say your average Durasteel one. Making an executive order, Alicia had the Jin'ha miners to prepare the remaining excess Cortosis for transport, setting it for Anax Arms, where she would have the company begin the manufacture of transportable Cortosis crates. Decision reached, Alicia returned to the Initium, setting course for home.

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