Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome to Hell

Malsheem-class Worldcraft, Undisclosed Location...

The fallen Jedi was marked the second he fled from Gree his mind bent from the pressures of the Lotek'k. As soon as the beast was safely secured another of a far different nature was sent against the fugitive. Gorkai the Blade of the Deceiver, Personal Assassin of the Shadow Hand was sent after the man. Gorkai was a hulking black skinned Dashade rippling with muscle supremely resistant to the force, his body augmented through cybernetics making the already deadly apex predator into a killing machine. There were rumors about the hulking Gorkai who had personally killed and devoured over a thousand Jedi in the name of his master, as well as countless others simply because he was given a target by his bonded master, and he would carry out his orders without question.

It was an endless, relentless chase as Gorkai hounded the fallen Jedi Varex across the stars never giving him a moments rest, or a fleeting moment to think that he was safe. It wasn't long before the two clashed and the fallen jedi unleashed his newfound power on his hunter, his people were strong and vicious, he would not bend before this beast. But Gorkai was a hulking demon with decades of experience, with kills of similar force users spanning into the thousands this was not a simple assassin that targeted the hulking dark jedi. If it were any other situation the Dashade might've cut open the thick skin of his and devoured the man's soft innards, delivering a visual image as confirmation of the kill back to his master. But when Varex was knocked on his back the massive beast delivered a crushing kick knocking him unconscious.

Some time later...

Varex would find himself waking up disoriented, thoroughly strapped down to a rather massive gurney designed to hold him. The Devourer Gorkai towered over him in that same light armor and wind swept black attire while the gurney was pulled down a hall by someone he couldn't see, the halls bright lights were almost blinding. "Your going to soon wish I had devoured you back there whelp. You are destined for a fate worse than any death I could've given you." Gorkai told him. The Dashade's intentions were unknown through his statement. Certainly there was no sympathy for him that much was true. The Dashade was savoring the fear, enjoying watching his prey squirm.

What do you know of fate? Varex's thoughts slithered into the Dashade's mind. Standard Sith neuro suppressors had been relaxed just enough to allow him the most basic access to his species' innate telepathy, I am touched by the Dreaming Dark. The calls me home. Your violent delights mean nothing to me.

It was all too reasonable for Gorkai to anticipate his victim would struggle, yet the corrupted Vaemath remained motionless from the moment he had regained consciousness. Burning red embers shifted back and forth across the room, taking in his newfound surroundings, but the former Jedi Inquisitor had not even sought to test his restraints. Where countless victims had lain before him practically irradiating terror, the Devourer was rebuffed by a seemingly impenetrable wall of hate.

Varex was now a living wellspring of the Dark.

Do not speak to me like a servant of Ashla, dashade. I am an emissary of a far greater power now, one beyond your petty squabbles over corporeal ideology. You are nothing more than your master's tool. When you tire of rending my flesh, go and fetch her so that she might bargain for your Empire's survival.

Pushing against the reinforced straps holding him down for the first time, instead of seeking escape the Vaemath only sought to lean as far as he could up towards the Dashade towering over him. He snarled at the Sithspawn, willfully provoking a retaliation. His physical shell no longer meant anything to him, so long as it continued to function in service of chaos' will. Assuming that he had been captured by his old master, Varex had no reason to suspect that he was actually in the clutches of [member="Darth Prazutis"].

Underneath all his tormented rage, there was a lone source of comfort resonating within his withered frame. The Sith's psychic restraint technology was state of the art, but a fundamental connection was shared between himself and the Beast with a Thousand Maws. He could sense the Lotek'k nearby, and so assumed that it was only a matter of time before Gorkai was kneeling before him in fanatical reverence, corrupted by the same extradimensional entropy.
[member="Varex"] Despite his words the Dashade remained completely quiet the rest of the trip through the halls. The being strapped down would suddenly feel waves of pain that he didn't quite feel before, a byproduct of the extensive dissection and probing, of the harvested DNA taken from the being who was thoroughly studied while he was safely comatose and now driven through the halls. The environment was sterile it felt, smelled clean. Due to his restraints the only thing the man was permitted to see was the ceiling.

It was only when they reached the final gate that he spoke once more to correct the man of who he was about to see "You are not being brought to see the Lady of Secrets, whelp. You are being brought before the Lord of Lies, Master of the Void, the man who bound the Terror from Beyond." The hulking Dashade said as the doors opened up and they entered the clearing chamber before the actual threshold. As soon as the outer door shut the inner one opened up and they were flooded with void energy of the blackest sort, a beating heart of the deepest, dark side energy lurked within like a churning ocean. The maddening whispers began to trickle into the mad Varex's mind but suddenly they were cowed, suppressed and another voice rang out not of the monster unleashed at Asation "Welcome Varex we have been waiting for you." This room was massive and dark a vile black ichor dripped covering every surface hardening in places, whatever light might've been in the room had be turned off or dimmed casting shadows all over the massive room. A central platform remained oddly clear of any drippings with only the traced hardened bit.

Movement was everywhere as bioforms roamed the chamber, fluttering overhead, they watched both large and small from the confines of the darkness as they drew closer to the pool in the center of the chamber, its waters dark. Quite suddenly however a massive shape rose from these dark waters rising high into the air so large in fact it could be seen even by the restrained man on the table. An unseen force caused all of Varex's restraints to tear off. This creature was the Lotek'k, Great Terror from Beyond, Destroyer of Empires, Scourge of Life, Darkener of the Stars, Hope's End, the Beast of a Thousand Maws. As if on cue if Varex looked back Gorkai was gone. A figure emerged from the massive Lotek'k standing on one of the beasts tentacles he was lowered over Varex. It was a Dark Titan of a man easily surpassing eight feet in height he wore nothing, the black ichor covered his entire body like a slick chitin and his eyes burned like twin molten orbs, his irises were pure black.

But to the intuitive this man was no puppet for the great beast before them. He did not cow to the will of the Lotek'k and the Dark, rather he controlled it, dominated it. He was a beating heart of darkness, a wellspring of the void made manifest. He beckoned with his hand and Varex was torn from the table and forced into the air as the being inspected him, before dropping him onto the platform. "I have heard much about you."
Bound? Varex echoed Gorkai's words, his thoughts mocking as they slithered through the Dashade's consciousness, How little you comprehend the void. You cannot hope to contain that which is boundless.

Yet the shade fell into sullen silence and remained compliant as he was transported to their intended destination. He grew more uneasy as their route seemed to draw him even closer to the familiar touch of shadow unending, and yet there was no sign of nightmarish energies seeking to consume everything around him. No otherworldy voidspawn, no extra-dimensional rot seeping through the corridors, only the constant simmering hate of Sith ritual that seemed to pervade the very complex itself.

"Welcome Varex, we have been waiting for you."

An unfamiliar voice called out to him as the restrained Vaemath was ushered into a massive sanctum-like chamber. The void was all around him, and for the first time he caught sight of the expected decay, yet these shadowspawn did not immediately move to free him and slaughter his captors. Instead, they simply watched and waited. The Dark Jedi's transformation had rendered him highly attuned to auras, and the shadow here seemed infused with Sith magicks in some abominable hybrid resonance.

That is when he saw It.

Varex paid the imposing ebon goliath little mind as he was torn from his restrains with the Force and roughly deposited on a central dais. As soon as he regained motor control, the shade sank into deep prostrations before the Terror From Beyond, so overwhelmed by this reunion that he for a time lost himself within the presence of such unholy glory. Slowly regaining his composure, the fallen inquisitor rose to his feet and turned his smoking orbs to regard the architect of this moment.

Darth Prazutis, he remembered the Sith Lord's presence from Asation, and his now mostly uninhibited connection with the Terror had filled in the rest,We meet again.

Even in this wretched state, he refused to show any sign of fear or deference. Instead, gazed directly into the nothingness that was Prazutis' spirit, stared unblinkingly at a sight that would have driven the most valorous warriors of Light mad to behold. The naked singularity that towered above him was reflected by his own unbound soul, eyes smoking like withering galaxies.

You seek to tame the Dreaming Dark. You would not be the first to have tried. We consume entire realities. Beware, lest the Great Unmaker grow tired of yours.

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