The benefit of having one's teashoppe at the edge of the forest, was the fact that when she needed to resupply some of her ingredients, all that she had to do was walk outside and roam through the forest to pick out what she needed.
It was perfect.
Today was a perfect day too. The sun was bright and filtered through the many leaves of the trees. There was even a cool breeze, which helped to draw away most of the heat. However Kay wasn't one to go looking for the proper herbs and mushrooms during mid day. She was always busy in her shoppe at that time. So instead her choice of time was right after sunrise.
With light sandles on and a flowy cloak, she carried a basket in hand like some sort of fair maiden in a fairy tale. But really she wasn't. She was far from that, and this certainly wasn't a fairytale.
Something seemed different in the air today, yet she couldn't quite put her finger on the cause. The birds were still singing, yet their songs seemed to be off to another side of the forest. Hmm...
Her eyes scanned the area as she walked down her usual path, looking for anything that wasn't...well...usual.