Vher Nall
Shadow Killer
Hey everyone! So I'm pretty new to the site, and I'm sure this has been done at some point, but I was thinking of writing up a gladiatorial style coliseum RP. I don't have everything planned out just yet, but it could be a mixup of PvE against various Star Wars beasts and such as well as random NPC enemies and of course PvP where we can swing some nonsense to keep players from needing to outright kill each other. Perhaps we the players make up some of the best and therefore are assets our owners may not be willing to give up for whatever sum this particular event is offering. I'm also playing with it in mind that perhaps a group of the fighters may be looking planning an escape but we can get creative with that once the thread starts up assuming players are interested.
Rather than equipping players with typical Star Wars kit I was thinking we'd use more rudimentary weapons and such although there's always room to be get creative with it of course. The planet I had in mind was Affavan since it's in unoccupied wild space. In a downtrodden, smog filled world as far out as it is, it makes sense that something like this would go unseen and uncared for. In any case, if anyone's interested or has additional ideas, just let me know!