Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome to the First Campaign!

G'day team,

Welcome to the Empire of the Hand. It's going to be a wild ride! As we're taking very much a story-heavy approach to this, I thought I'd fill you all in on the initial campaign.

The once strong Empire of the Hand is in tatters. Limited to just a few systems, with a battered fleet and low morale, it faces destruction at the hands of a numerous and savage enemy. The capital world is about to fall ...

With a quick and violent coup, Alen Na'Varro has siezed control of the Empire at its most dire of circumstances and has installed the formidable Ashin Varanin, former Sith Empress as Empress of the Hand. Assembling a host of allies, both familiar faces and newly-found friends, together they aim to restore the Empire of the Hand to its former glory, defeat the savage invaders, and then establish their influence over the galaxy.

People get ready, there's a train coming. Or a thread.
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And you have my . . ah. . . . . . . . really y'have me and I'm some super savant weapons/tactics master or something. Or am I a bantha?

I am not a bantha. Point me at the kill-them-people. I shall kill them. *nods approvingly*


. . . . that didn't go too badly. . .

Torill Holgor

And you have my . . ah. . . . . . . . really y'have me and I'm some super savant weapons/tactics master or something. Or am I a bantha?

I am not a bantha. Point me at the kill-them-people. I shall kill them. *nods approvingly*


. . . . that didn't go too badly. . .
I thought is was very well put indeed.

/me approving golf clap

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