Sol Damerin
The Grumpiest Merc
LOCATION: Remote research base
Sol did not understand scientist. That wasn't right he understood them just fine, could comprehend them to an extent, but there was something about them that just left him confused. Taking on a job to guard a facility was generally a fairly boring proposition. Usually, you were just acting like a particularly well-armed security guard to make grumpy laborers think twice about getting violent with their cooperate overlords. You stood in or around an office until the worker dispute was finished. That wasn't every guard job a merc might get but that was most of them, like fifty percent. Some were a bit shadier, some involved protecting different kinds of rich people. End of the day though you were meant to be a living scarecrow. This job though, not so much, this job there was a very real possibility of getting eaten alive. Which brings us back to Sol not understanding scientists.
When he'd first read the details of the job he'd wondered what would possess someone with zero combat training to go to Dxun. Dxun was one of the most dangerous planets in the inner rim, the vibrant jungle world was chalk full of dangerous predators that would happily slaughter everyone in the small research base. You'd think that people who spent most of their lives in temperature controlled universities wouldn't want to go to a place where death was a real possibility. Yet the scientist seemed absolutely thrilled. They were from the CIS and had permission from the Free Worlds Collation to conduct some studies on the local fauna. The details of what this entails Sol wasn't actually clear on but it seemed to involve a lot of looking for dangerous things, knocking them out with stun weapons, and then the scientist poking them for several hours. He was sure science was happening but the exact goal of science today was eluding him.
Still, pay was good and he was managing to keep people mostly out of trouble. So long as they didn't run into any Maalraas things would be just peachy. At present, he was on night shift which meant he was sitting out on the watchtower with a partner observing the jungle with a pair of thermal goggles. It was a boring shift, for the most part, the perimeter fence kept most of the animals at bay. Still, you never know when a group something might try and bust through or one of the flying predators swoop over so it had to be done. So he sat in silence for the moment with one of his fellow guards, a woman whose name escaped him because it had only been two days and the guard team was a dozen strong. He should probably fix that but then he'd have to break his stoic silence.
LOCATION: Remote research base
Sol did not understand scientist. That wasn't right he understood them just fine, could comprehend them to an extent, but there was something about them that just left him confused. Taking on a job to guard a facility was generally a fairly boring proposition. Usually, you were just acting like a particularly well-armed security guard to make grumpy laborers think twice about getting violent with their cooperate overlords. You stood in or around an office until the worker dispute was finished. That wasn't every guard job a merc might get but that was most of them, like fifty percent. Some were a bit shadier, some involved protecting different kinds of rich people. End of the day though you were meant to be a living scarecrow. This job though, not so much, this job there was a very real possibility of getting eaten alive. Which brings us back to Sol not understanding scientists.
When he'd first read the details of the job he'd wondered what would possess someone with zero combat training to go to Dxun. Dxun was one of the most dangerous planets in the inner rim, the vibrant jungle world was chalk full of dangerous predators that would happily slaughter everyone in the small research base. You'd think that people who spent most of their lives in temperature controlled universities wouldn't want to go to a place where death was a real possibility. Yet the scientist seemed absolutely thrilled. They were from the CIS and had permission from the Free Worlds Collation to conduct some studies on the local fauna. The details of what this entails Sol wasn't actually clear on but it seemed to involve a lot of looking for dangerous things, knocking them out with stun weapons, and then the scientist poking them for several hours. He was sure science was happening but the exact goal of science today was eluding him.
Still, pay was good and he was managing to keep people mostly out of trouble. So long as they didn't run into any Maalraas things would be just peachy. At present, he was on night shift which meant he was sitting out on the watchtower with a partner observing the jungle with a pair of thermal goggles. It was a boring shift, for the most part, the perimeter fence kept most of the animals at bay. Still, you never know when a group something might try and bust through or one of the flying predators swoop over so it had to be done. So he sat in silence for the moment with one of his fellow guards, a woman whose name escaped him because it had only been two days and the guard team was a dozen strong. He should probably fix that but then he'd have to break his stoic silence.