Kamon's OOC
Well-Known Member
The New Republic is founded on the basic principles of an actual Republic.
Unlike our predecessor, we strive for actual senatorial power. Our military force, the Spacey, does not engage in combat without direct approval of the Republic Senate. Gone are the days of warmongers being able to take control and do as they please. We are a government of peace and prosperity for all people's. Above all, we operate above the board. Our senate will not stoop to the levels of hiring privateers or buying goods on the black market.
How, you ask, can you control that?
The New Republic has instituted the Office of Judicial Affairs. This office is tasked with the responsibility of policing the entire Republic: government, military, and civilian. Unsavory dealings, illegal business transactions, war crimes and others will all be found out and punished accordingly. No crime will go unpunished.
But what about the military?
We have two branches: the Army, and the Spacey. The Army is centered on the ideals of training peoples of their native worlds to serve as their own defense force rather than relying on someone else to come and save them. In this manner, defensive units are stationed natively on every world within the Republic. The Spacey consists of the volunteer soldiers who wish to be a part of a broader force meant to act as the Republic's defense through offense arm. These forces fight together to take the battle to those who wish to harm our people.
Our current capital is the world of Anobis. Eshan is a member world, and we grow daily. We do hope you will all join us to bring peace and prosperity to all.
Unlike our predecessor, we strive for actual senatorial power. Our military force, the Spacey, does not engage in combat without direct approval of the Republic Senate. Gone are the days of warmongers being able to take control and do as they please. We are a government of peace and prosperity for all people's. Above all, we operate above the board. Our senate will not stoop to the levels of hiring privateers or buying goods on the black market.
How, you ask, can you control that?
The New Republic has instituted the Office of Judicial Affairs. This office is tasked with the responsibility of policing the entire Republic: government, military, and civilian. Unsavory dealings, illegal business transactions, war crimes and others will all be found out and punished accordingly. No crime will go unpunished.
But what about the military?
We have two branches: the Army, and the Spacey. The Army is centered on the ideals of training peoples of their native worlds to serve as their own defense force rather than relying on someone else to come and save them. In this manner, defensive units are stationed natively on every world within the Republic. The Spacey consists of the volunteer soldiers who wish to be a part of a broader force meant to act as the Republic's defense through offense arm. These forces fight together to take the battle to those who wish to harm our people.
Our current capital is the world of Anobis. Eshan is a member world, and we grow daily. We do hope you will all join us to bring peace and prosperity to all.