Tien Ulinesque
Emotions are odd things.


Objective: Down to Business
Time: 0800 Hours
Equipment: XIPHOS Armor, BAW 56 Pistol (2)
Tags: | Tegan Farron |

It was a season of change for the Dauntless. One that encompassed more and more of Tien’s every day life as he looked around him. What he had known was changing, quickly. The Dauntless solider army was no longer a part of the Confederacy, instead dissolved into hundreds of smaller, more planetary based organizations of men and women. They could stick closer to home, which was a good thing the more he thought about it. The Dauntless army had strewn across the entire Confederacy, and many good people had been pulled quite far from their homes. Now they were able to see their families more, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t tradeoffs that seemingly outweighed the good that had come from the dissolvement of the army.
For one thing, it had thrown what had been a good way to recruit new commandos out the window. One of the most for sure ways of recruiting new blood was through recommendations from combat saw in the army. It was a solid way of getting seasoned, ready, and loyal blood quickly and efficiently. Recommendations could still be made through the new planetary army for soldiers they thought fit the bill, but Tien could already see that this way of recruiting might turn into a kark shoot faster than anything else.
Thankfully, they had not had to deal with these recommendations just yet. The new recruits, while starting to trickle out, were still majorly filled by former army members that had proven themselves worthy of an invitation. Tien’s new assignment was back at camp Phoenix, in charge of training the new recruits to the point where they could be described as a well-oiled, smooth running machine. What he had learned was that most of the recruits, while talented, had little idea of how to work together in a cohesive group and were much more raw than he would’ve liked. So far, he had been able to deploy two new squads into active duty.
But today, a new challenge would begin. The challenge of Tau squad. His next assignment, and by looking at their personnel records, his hardest group to work with yet. Individuals from all different points on the compass, thrown together into one group with the expectation of being able to work together. Sometimes he didn’t understand the choices, but they were all signed off on by Luna, so she must know something about these sentients he didn’t. Still, everyone missed from time to time, and Tau squad looked as though they were a failure waiting to happen on day karking one.
This was partly why his mood was so sour while he stood in the blazing Scarif sunlight. The radiated off of the concrete of the gathering area just outside the elevators to the lower portion of the base, feeling as though it was cooking him in his armor. Thankfully he was beginning to get used to it, something he doubted the new recruits would be able to say. Maybe it would be the heat that would cause them to quit, or possibly what Tien was about to put them through would. How low his opinion of the green commandos was probably the other part of his unhappy mood at the moment.
It was 0800 now, the meeting time. They would be here soon, and they would get started. How long they lasted, that was up to them. Tien was certainly not about to go easy on them. It would help him sleep at night to know they had quit now, instead of dying of dying on the battlefield.

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