Darth Vulcanus
Better than other-other space Kaiden
Welcome to the trackers and promotions forum...
Introduction: This section of the faction page is for the tracking of your characters progress as he does training and normal threads throughout his/her lifetime. Do not post any OOC discussion threads or Master Request threads in this forum that goes here.
Trackers are simply threads that you start in order to track what you have done. When you create your tracker name the title with your character's name and current rank like so [Joe Bob's Tracker - Apprentice ]. As your character promotes in rank simply change the rank in the title by clicking to edit your first post and then clicking "Use Full Editor".
Once you have the title down, it i time to start tracking. For each level you go through as a force user, you will make a new post to track your threads. For example, If I start out as an apprentice i will track all the threads I've done in my first post. Once I get promoted I will start a second post and track all the threads i do as a Knight ONLY.
Here is a simple format to use for your tracking...
Character Name:
Positions within the Dark Empire
Training Threads:
Standard Threads:
You don't have to use that format if you don't like, but it does make it much simpler in this style.
Requesting Promotions:
When you, or your master, think it is time for you to get promoted you may post in the promotion request thread that applies to you. You may only request a promotion once a week to keep the thread from being cluttered with repeat requests constantly. If your request is approved, it will be announced in the corresponding promotions thread.
Master Votes:
If you request a Master promotion a master vote will be held amongst all the Master Level characters in the Dark Empire. Any Master may put forward a Knight for promotion or you may request it. The vote thread will be made by an admin.