Balaya Praelior Zambrano
Balaya Zambrano, Emperor's Bust
Well since we are being given a request to make more edits and some more development. Well I am, those who wish to make and need alchemy items, lessons in alchemy/sorcery come and get a chance to fight the Foretold.
Image Credit: Broly from Dragon Ball Z
Name: The Foretold
Designation: Semi Sentient
Home world: Coruscant
Language: Verbal
Average height of adults: 2.5m
Skin color: Pale
Hair color: Varies
Breathes: Type I, Type II
Average Lifespan: 20 Years
Races: They are one race created from the strongest within the One Sith's forces
Estimated Population: 100
Diet: Food cubes, meat
Communication: Verbal, telepathic command
Their culture is non existent, they are living weapons who serve the battle lords of the sith vanguard. Tools of destruction who are summoned from the shadows and fires of the military forces when absolute destruction is called for. When alone and allowed to eat or drink they are silent, waiting for orders and used for intimidation by other sith who can issue them orders. The Black blades use them like wrecking balls sending one or two to destroy any who defy the Emperor Vornskr.
Technology level: Galactic standard
General behavior:
One the battlefield they are tools and fighters, being sent as the vanguard for the forces to cause as much destruction as possible, to act as the distraction for the more agile stealth forces to infiltrate the bases. They can be used to lead graug forces who fight alongside them and the black blades or Massassi.
With others off the battlefield they are silent and foreboding, never talking and waiting for the moment when they can destroy. The drugs fed to them to help with the process of the training and alchemy gives them a dangerous chance of psychotic breaks and there is the chance of clone madness driving them to destroy and fight.
Created by the One Sith's Warlord to augment their forces after seeing the results on zeltros. Her views of the graug and soldiers fighting against the Republic notably the Republic soldier Titan who was able to face Gruag in hand to hand. Intrigued her. She couldn't make a mountain of a soldier like him to be mass produced... well not easily.
The first series of Foretold are crafted with alchemy and drugs the eventually looking for a chance to get clone chambers and begin the process of mass producing them. Their skills dangerous and powerful as it were. Their flash training the easiest way to train a large blank slate of an army. With the absence of cloning technology and tubes however.
They were made in small numbers to practice and field test after Zeltros as needed. The first being used against the chiss at Sposia and small changes made after that. Additional lessons and work with the black blades would come in time under Kaine's watchful eye most likely as his soldiers, his elite were being used to make dumbed down versions who could destroy buildings.
Development Thread:
Intent: To create a stronger and elite military force of the One Sith designed with traits from the strongest races within the Order
They shall be getting nice and upgraded with more dev threads and edits will be made.

Image Credit: Broly from Dragon Ball Z
Name: The Foretold
Designation: Semi Sentient
Home world: Coruscant
Language: Verbal
Average height of adults: 2.5m
Skin color: Pale
Hair color: Varies
Breathes: Type I, Type II
- Incredibly Strong: Their infusion of graug has made them beefy, heavily resistant to small arms and blades. Thick hide like skin that can deflect glancing blows from a lightsaber but not stabs or sustained contact, and bones that will not break easily from high impact.
- Flash Trained: The training of the black blades has been given to them, namely their coordination and creativity to handle large armies when outnumbered.
- Force Skills: Not so much of a strength as they are only taught how to use a small handful of skills that tie together. Force body techniques to enhance their muscles mass and strength, crucitorn to fight when injured past the point of sanity and repulse to push away enemies if they charge into them.
- Stand Out: Their bodies are muscles atop muscles and made to be a destructive force on the battlefield. They are large and easy targets but also soldiers. They can move quickly in a single direction using their momentum to barrel into and plow enemy forces down but turning on a dime and avoiding threats from the sides is hard. Their own momentum carrying them forward is hard to stop and usually done with buildings or enemy forces acting as a barrier.
- Dependent: They are heavily dependent on Battle lords and orders. Their ability to destroy a target is dependent on the orders issued and their ability to carry it out can vary from one to the other but destruction is an art sometimes.
- Addicted: The drugs introduced into their systems to prevent rejection are crafted to increase aggressive tendencies towards psychotic bouts of destruction. It makes them harder to control by lesser people then strong sith lords or battle lords.
- Vulnerable: As sith spawn their vulnerability to force light is natural but they are beastly and rely upon the flow of blood throughout their bodies. Force techniques that constrict blood vessels (malacia) are very dangerous and strong against them as they will lose the use of parts of their body and eventually pass out.
Average Lifespan: 20 Years
Races: They are one race created from the strongest within the One Sith's forces
Estimated Population: 100
Diet: Food cubes, meat
Communication: Verbal, telepathic command
Their culture is non existent, they are living weapons who serve the battle lords of the sith vanguard. Tools of destruction who are summoned from the shadows and fires of the military forces when absolute destruction is called for. When alone and allowed to eat or drink they are silent, waiting for orders and used for intimidation by other sith who can issue them orders. The Black blades use them like wrecking balls sending one or two to destroy any who defy the Emperor Vornskr.
Technology level: Galactic standard
General behavior:
One the battlefield they are tools and fighters, being sent as the vanguard for the forces to cause as much destruction as possible, to act as the distraction for the more agile stealth forces to infiltrate the bases. They can be used to lead graug forces who fight alongside them and the black blades or Massassi.
With others off the battlefield they are silent and foreboding, never talking and waiting for the moment when they can destroy. The drugs fed to them to help with the process of the training and alchemy gives them a dangerous chance of psychotic breaks and there is the chance of clone madness driving them to destroy and fight.
Created by the One Sith's Warlord to augment their forces after seeing the results on zeltros. Her views of the graug and soldiers fighting against the Republic notably the Republic soldier Titan who was able to face Gruag in hand to hand. Intrigued her. She couldn't make a mountain of a soldier like him to be mass produced... well not easily.
The first series of Foretold are crafted with alchemy and drugs the eventually looking for a chance to get clone chambers and begin the process of mass producing them. Their skills dangerous and powerful as it were. Their flash training the easiest way to train a large blank slate of an army. With the absence of cloning technology and tubes however.
They were made in small numbers to practice and field test after Zeltros as needed. The first being used against the chiss at Sposia and small changes made after that. Additional lessons and work with the black blades would come in time under Kaine's watchful eye most likely as his soldiers, his elite were being used to make dumbed down versions who could destroy buildings.
Development Thread:
- Titan is Observed by Elara
- Gruag Samples collected
- Massassi fought and collected
- Blackblades combat tested
- Foretold Built and tested against chiss
Intent: To create a stronger and elite military force of the One Sith designed with traits from the strongest races within the Order
They shall be getting nice and upgraded with more dev threads and edits will be made.