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Approved Starship Welkin Class Supercarrier

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That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell

  • Intent: To create a "supercarrier" for use in the Galactic Alliance Defense Navy
  • Image Source: Steve Jung
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: Gir Quee
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • LATEST IN THE LINE - The Welkin class is the latest combat platform that in a line including the Liberation and Ethereal classes were meant to be. The combined transport and combat skills make this a formidable ship. She is no Battleship, but she can fight.
  • DEDICATED BUT SEPARATE LAUNCH AND LANDING DECKS - While the fighters onboard are VTOL capable, the catapult systems allow for quick launches and landings, especially necessary in battlefield situations.
  • "JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD!" - The Marine Legion on the ship has their own dedicated launch and landing zones, no more having to find room.
  • I SAW THAT A MILE AWAY! - The long-range detection system keeps enemies from getting the drop on The Liberation class much like The Ethereal class but with more defensive capabilities.
  • WE GOT YOU BOY! - The long-range weapons, combined with the long-range detection make this a difficult ship to attack without heavy bomber support.
  • ANNUNAKI - Like the Ethereal Class, "The Annunaki", has special docking clamps and ports that can allow it to dock on the ventral section of the carrier. Only this design allows for a jump to hyperspace.
  • EXPOSED BOW LAUNCH PORTS - There are more than a few launch ports on the carrier, but the main launch bays are located on the bow and a well-placed attack can incapacitate them. If there were "sniper ships" they would have a field day.
  • HEAVY CARRIER... NOT CRUISER - While "The Liberation" class can conduct ship-to-ship combat, "The Ethereal" class is a stronger class to conduct these operations. The Welkin class is even more capable, this is not the primary focus of the vessel, and it could use some help in a fight.
  • SLOWER THAN MOLASSES IN JANUARY - Like "The Ethereal" as well as "The Liberation" classes, the Welkin class makes up for a lack of speed and maneuverability with offensive and defensive capabilities. That being said, the ship needs some headway to get to speed and turns like a brick... "Fecal Matter Domicile."
  • SOOOO MANY FIGHTERS - The problem with carrying so many fighters is that if you are launching an assault it takes a long time to launch them. Like it or not, the ship is extremely vulnerable during this time.
Out of some strange design in his head, Admiral Liram Angellus believes that a carrier should be a "floating city" which means that one should be able to conduct multiple and multiply varied types of operations simultaneously. All the while operating for months, even years at a time without making port. "The Celestial City" is ridiculously large but provides this role to a tee. The dedicated command levels offer office space as well as training, education, and planning rooms without the prying ears of the enlisted. There are not simply "holding cells" but a veritable "jail". Support vessels and troop carriers no longer share catapult pressers but their own specific "drop" arms, releasing the ship tethered to a long "arm" often into a planet's atmosphere, too, or wherever. The Marines have their own well-decks often allowing for and encouraging mass landing operations. There is little that this ship cannot do. She has her flaws, but no one is perfect.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Liram Angellus Liram Angellus

Nicely made ship, but I found some problems:
  • Pleases delete the Directorate from the Affiliation, Companies and Minor factions can only have one ship of this size.
  • Your ratings are underpowered (-3), if you want, you can edit, or you can keep the current ratings.
  • And the Comscan's link is broken, please fix it.
Submission Name:
Ethereal Class carrier "Ethereal"
Link to Submission: Right here.
Reason for Factory Modification Request:
Like all of them, just updating systems and weapons with GAL Tech. Also cleaning up the look.

Submission Name:
Liberation Class Heavy Carrier
Link to Submission: Right here.
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Like all of them, just updating systems and weapons with GAL Tech. Also cleaning up the look.

Submission Name:
Welkin Class Supercarrier "The Celestial City"
Link to Submission: Right here.
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Like all of them, just updating systems and weapons with GAL Tech. Also cleaning up the look.

Submission Name:
"Liberator" Class Cruiser/Assault Carrier
Link to Submission: Right here.
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Like all of them, just updating systems and weapons with GAL Tech. Also cleaning up the look.

Submission Name:
Avalon Class Destroyer
Link to Submission: Right here.
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Like all of them, just updating systems and weapons with GAL Tech. Also cleaning up the look.
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell
  1. Changed the title to take out "Celestial City"
  2. Changed out Armaments with GAL Tech
  3. Changed out Defenses with GAL Tech (more like added a couple)
  4. Changed out Standard and Advanced features with GAL Tech
Thanks John Locke John Locke ! :)


King of Pumpkins
Submission Name: Welkin Class Supercarrier "Celestial City"
Link to Submission: SUPER CARRIER
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Edit affiliation and typos

Submission Name: Super Archangel Multi Role Interceptor
Link to Submission: Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Editing affiliation and typos

Submission Name: Elysian Stealth Strike Fighter
Link to Submission: Elysian class Strike fighter
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Editing affiliation and typos

Submission Name: Jackals
Link to Submission: Jackal Class Starfighter
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Editing affiliation and typos

Submission Name: N-1000 X-Wing Starfighter
Link to Submission: NC-1000 X-Wing
Reason for Factory Modification Request: And sitting affiliation and typos
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