Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well, ain't life a b**ch?

Ok, so here's the deal:

Just got back to NJ after a 3 year exile in FL.

My mother ended up in the hospital after a very horrid infection and lost her big toe and the toe next to it. I've been here helping her out anyway I can.

On top of that, if anyone can believe it, I found a woman who actually puts up with me. I'm a husband. Who would have thought? Lord knows I sure as hell didn't. But Yes, I'm a married man now. And she HATES Star Wars. Yet she doesn't mind the fact that I love it so much. So that's a plus.

But in all this chaotic BS, I realized that I am back, Proper and permanent.

So, gotta ask...

Anyone wanna RP?
Mariya Fleischer said:
Hello there.

Hmm... Van-Derveld. *Remembers seeing a certain Vega from another place*
That Van-Derveld does not exist in my world. They forsake the very world they created. They are NOT Van-Derveld. *I* am Van-Derveld, along with Katrine, Chloe, Curupira, Wolfram, and should he ever come back, Cat.

Rianna Ar'klim-Organa said:
[member="Ket Van-Derveld"] welcome back and Congrats

RI! Is that you?! I've missed you more than most, dear!
She moves like she don't care
That Van-Derveld does not exist in my world. They forsake the very world they created. They are NOT Van-Derveld. *I* am Van-Derveld, along with Katrine, Chloe, Curupira, Wolfram, and should he ever come back, Cat.
Very well, considering Mariya have never actually interacted with any Van-Dervelds, won't make much difference to her.

Look forward to reading your writing :)
Scherezade deWinter said:
"Does anyone wanna RP" like you actually need to ask smh


you know the rest. Missed you, and quite a bit. I've got a thread up. Come hang out. You would be most welcome. :)
[member="Ket Van-Derveld"] This is a PG-13 word, that's why you haven't been plastered with that word upside down and inside out the moment you poked your head back a few days ago :p And yussssss I'd love to. Link me up / tag me / do it already.

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