Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We'll Find Somewhere to Hide

Yeah. Okay. Push me one more time, sosera. I dare you.” It was funny how easily Sitara could swear in sith. She knew the language well, but only used it for its blasphemes. It was convenient that this idiot she was talking to didn’t know the language. The twi’lek had her drink in her hand, ready to throw it at Sitara.

You were making moves on my husband you damned schutta.” Women. They flung curse words at each other like it was no tomorrow. The twi’lek’s husband sat, cornered between the two ladies. Who brought their wives to bars anyways? Besides, he was making passes at her. It wasn’t like Sitara walked around with a sign on her head that permanently screamed ‘fun time’.

She gritted her teeth. Their eyes were blazing at each other. God, bars on Hapes were just…so…vanilla. It was hard enough walking around this planet looking for something less than decent. Those were the places with good, cheap alcohol and a whole bunch of drama. This was probably the most drama Sitara would get for the night.

And obviously she was entertaining this fight for the sake of her own entertainment. The twi’lek woman’s husband was less than a hottie. He was too…plain for her. Obviously there was nothing else working for her.

Anyways, one thing led to another and pretty soon the woman was on the floor seemingly suffering from some kind of weird epileptic attack. Yes, Sitara played that way. It didn’t take long before people were signalling for some kind of authorities and Sitara came speeding out of the bar.

Help!” Cried the hefty man who didn’t do anything for his wife when it counted. Well, besides submissively saying the cliche ‘calm down, ladies’.

Sitara ran into the crowd, stealing a cloak from one of the shops. She moved, hoping to avoid the authorities who were out for her. It was then someone in the crowd spotted her. She bit her lip, a wide grin beginning to form on her lips as her long legs started to carry her body. She began to run.

The cloak floated in the wind as sped away from the guards.

| [member="Solan Charr"] |
[member="Sitara Qin"]

Solan in the meantime was having a nice drink. Not in the same place as Sitara mind you.

No he was walking through the street with a sigh and looking up at the sky above him. He had gotten good at walking blindly, hell he was blind enough that not looking where he was going was normal for him. He relied on how the force flowed around him to get around, how close the strands of people's auras got and how much space there was for a channel to go through. It was hard to determine minut changes in the flow though which is what made this next part all the more sudden.

Again unlike Sitara he was dressed in his more combat ready gear... welll what was to him combat ready that is. His body clothed in trousers and a shirt, the shirt grey and his pants tan. His body then shrouded partially by the Viola Coat, a trenchcoat produced by the rebels that he both liked for its resourcefulness and its look. Slung over his back was a Krath War Blade, odd weapon for a force user sure, but one he preferred over a saber at times. Speaking of a saber though he kept one hidden in his sleeve, out of sight and care.

He heard the words help off in the distance and for a moment his feet paused under him before looking to the side and staring then as a woman, [member="Sitara Qin"], charged right at him. Ok so Charged was not the right word, more he stepped right infront of her as she was sprinting but none the less his ass soon found its place on the ground as the two of them collided. He didn't know what was happening in the moment as he blinked from where he sat on the ground.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!

This guy basically ran in front of her. What was he trying to do? Be a hero for some weird couple from the bar. Sitara picked herself up, and dusted what dirt came onto her shorts. Now that the cloak was gone, people could practically identify her. At the same time, this town was pretty big. Filled with Hapans and other kind of folk. She could probably find some other place to hide her for a while, at least while things calm down.

But this idiot who tried to block her view. Really?

Yoooooo.” She said, as she turned around and started running backwards. “Watch where you’re going, will ya?

The grin played back on her pale face, as she turned again and started running away normally. The man, whose wife she just electrocuted, ran after her in the background. He seemed out of breath…and well, considering his physique, he probably never ran so much in his life. She had the upperhand, and it didn’t look like any authority figures were really going to treat this seriously.

R-run.” He panted. “G-get her!

| [member="Solan Charr"] |
[member="Sitara Qin"]

He watched her start running before the other man showed up, out of breath and heaving like no tomorrow. Oh how he loved people who could not do their own work. With a bit of a grin on his own face he began running after Sitara, boosting that push in his legs with the force ever so slowly as to gain that extra something he needed in order to get anywhere near catching up with the woman. Granted he did like to imagine what she would say if he made a comment about the view from behind, but he assumed this was not the same kind of person as Taeli. The one that would just slap him upside the head without worry of further harm.

As he closed that gap he did speak though, his hands moving with his legs until he got to the point where he was able to be heard. "You know, its not nice to run into someone and then blame them. After all, what was that whole scene about?" He grinned at the woman as he ran though he really was interested. He could notice something a bit odd as he ran though, something had to grin about. She was a force User.
The man she bumped into earlier had caught up with her, and it was almost like they were running side by side. He casually asked her what the whole scene was about, and she forced back a look of annoyance. “That man back there? Yeah. Well he’s an arsehole.” She ‘casually’ retorted. She shrugged, making a right turn into an ally way. Yup, the cops were probably called now and well, she needed a hiding place. She looked up at one of the buildings, there was a window a floor away. She didn’t know if it was open or not though. She drew in a deep breath, and checked to see if it was open with the force. Yup. Lights were off, people were probably not home.

So, yeah, I’m gonna sneak into that room, and well, you can tattle on me if you want.” She grinned, assuming he followed her. “But, y’know, it’ll be more fun if you just come with me.” She shrugged, finding one of those fire escape things to help climb up. She didn’t check to see if she was following her, instead she just went in.

Yup. Nobody was home. Looked like some folks were on vacation.

| [member="Solan Charr"] |
[member="Sitara Qin"]

He followed her right up to the house where he finally stopped with her and looked behind them, so far no one had decided to come this way after her and seeing as she had already allowed him thus far even after slamming into him or him into her, she offered her talk to the cops or join her on the run. "I never did turn down a pretty woman looking for a conversation." He grinned and shrugged as his feet pushed him up and into the home after her.

The lights were slightly annoying to be off but he knew why and he could probably get better on his force sight than she would so he blinked his eyes shut for a moment before opening them once more and seeing the world for what it truly was. "So the guy is an nerf herder... what did he do if you don't mind my asking. You already have me thinking you stole from him so i really hope you didn't."
So he did follow her in here. She went over the the other side of the room and turned the lights on. Immediately, she spotted a hologram of a family. Judging by the lack of people, and how even their bedroom doors were locked —she checked by telepathically trying to open the doors—they were probably on vacation. Which was cool, she could lounge here for a few moments. She walked over to their kitchen, and grabbed an apple from the table.

What? I didn’t steal from him!” She yelled over at the stranger who followed her in here. Did she look poor? Technically her dad cut her off but she wasn’t gonna steal from a random man with a stupid wife. “Okay. So. Here’s the story.

She kicked her boots back and flopped down on their couch. Yup. This place was actually really roomy. Great job, random family! “Okay, so I was in a bar minding my own business, when suddenly, this middle aged man comes over and offers me a drink, right?” She said, munching on the apple.

And then his wife shows up, and accuses me of flirting with him.” She rolled her eyes, fiddling with the fruit in her hand. “Can you believe her? So I tell her ‘Hey, I wasn’t flirting with your ugly husband. Tell her!’ And then the guy says nothing, and well, this woman attempted to slap me!” She rolled her eyes and sighed. “So I uh…Protected myself while he stood there doing nothing.

| [member="Solan Charr"] |
[member="Sitara Qin"]

He stared at her, listening to every word and thing she said and taking in the information one piece at a time as he thought about it. So that was the man that she was talking about in her story.... he then laughed and leaned back into a chair before he spoke. "You know you just spoke the most cliche and stereotypical story possible right. Hell your language even fit the stereotype. After all, how many times in movies have you heard someone start off a story like that with 'I was minding my own business.' Or some other variation of the line?" He laughed again before leaning abck and pointing at the apple. "Also, i assume you are just borrowing that from the family, no?"

In truth he was fine that she defended herself, he didn't care on if she was flirting with the man or not but what he did get annoyed at was what the people of this world would probably do. Then again Sitara was female and the Hapans sure did prefer females over males so she might get away with it... and maybe not. "So you plan to hide out here until it blows over?"
Cliche or not, it still happens.” She said, pouting before taking another bite out of the apple. She was confused. He seemed to be one of those rule-abiding citizens as he pointed out the apple. The family had a bunch of them in their kitchen, one tiiiinnnyyyy little apple wasn’t going to starve em. She debated with herself over whether or not she wanted to raid the kitchen. How many crimes has she committed today? Assault? Check. Breaking and Entering? Check. Theft? She glanced at her apple. Yup. “Sure. Borrowing.

She crossed one leg over the other. “Pretty much. It doesn’t seem like the family’s getting home any time soon. I could just hop off the window if I hear the door rattling anyways.” She shrugged, a small smile on her face.

So I’m guessing you’re not some guy trying to be a hero right now?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. “Cause y’know, thanks for not ratting me out.

| [member="Solan Charr"] |
[member="Sitara Qin"]

"Don't quite count that out yet my dear, i jsut haven't decided if i like you enough of not to rat on you, so until then i decided to become an accessory to your little hide out and let it all blow over plan. Could always say that you were holding me hostage if someone asks, its the hapes, for some reason men are considered weaker here. Granted its not as bad as Dathomir, that place is just murderous on the whole equality principle that a civilized people should understand by this time." He smiled and kicked back on the couch nearby, his legs over the armrest and his eyes finding her once more.

"So, i forgot, did you tell me your name or am i just going to have to call you Apple for the rest of our time together. Granted there are better names i could come up with... but id rather keep it enjoyable until i decide what to do." His hands came up and rested behind his head as he waited for her answer, he would be curious to see what came from her in terms of information about anything. He just was curious.
She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Of course not. You have to make things interesting, right?” She grinned, finishing up the apple and tossing it away. It landed in the bin. That…might have been luck, of course, drenched in a little bit of force use. “And, I do love it when things are interesting.” She winked, crossing her long legs over the other.

Apple, quite a disgusting name.” She said, shaking her head. Who named people after fruit? “Tara, actually.” She smiled—but then again, who named people after stars? “And you must be—” she pressed a finger to her temple. “—a bundle of fun.

| [member="Solan Charr"] |
[member="Sitara Qin"]

"And you are stranger than i am. I assume by the way you are acting you are not a Jedi. But i could be wrong... i know you aren't untrained and i know you are versed in the force so don't try to play dumb on that my dear, i tend to take a little pride on my sight and senses. Though there is but one thing i pride myself on more." He smiled at her and spoke as he leaned back on the couch again. "And No. Its not my ability to find women with beautiful and entrancing features such as yours."

He thought over his name and nodded while he laid on that couch, looking up at the ceiling. These people really did live a nice comfortable life, granted he still liked living in a place but he could live like this if he had to. "As for my name Tara, i am Solan. A pleasure to meet you in rather interesting circumstances such as these."
I'm far too bad to be a Jedi.” Tara said, with a grin. Of course he’d catch that. Who else would’ve been lucky enough to perfectly throw a core like that away? Someone with amazing hoop shooting skills, that’s who. And unfortunately, Sitara wasn’t that kind of person. Who needed to throw things around when you had the force to do it for you? He had common sense, but would it matter to him if she was a Jedi or not? That was the answer.

And yes, I am stranger than you. Doesn’t this just make things more exciting? Besides—” She grinned, sitting up. “—You know what they say about strange women.” She winked.

So-lan.” She enunciated each syllable, allowing the L to strike the roof of her mouth with her tongue. “It is your pleasure.” She smiled, before sitting up. Perhaps there were other things to do in this boring old house while they waited for the day to pass? She could always raid their liquor. "Random encounters are wonderful. They allowed me to meet you after all."

| [member="Solan Charr"] |
[member="Sitara Qin"]

"Oh, i figured you were no jedi after the breaking and entering, i just had to make sure. And considering what i see in your very aura im going to say you are not one of the Order's branch members either. Which means you are Sith or like me. To be honest though i give no actual care about who you work for, just is easier to remember you if i know waht else you follow. Now though as you said. I quite agree that random encounters can be some of the most strange and interesting ones that i know of."

He looked her over again once more for good measure, sizing up what she cann do before looking on the window and listening to those outside. "So tell me Tara, what brings you to this world anyways, i must say it is not natural i find a sith alone and in this situation and eve less that i find one like me in this situation... err possible not social wise for him not that he thought about it.
A person like you?” She asked, batting her eyes. “Now what ever do you mean?” She asked, eyeing him up and down. He was good looking, and she could feel a bit of cockiness pressing off of him. Perhaps, he wasn’t a jedi too considering his last statement, and the fact that he hadn’t ratted her out yet. It was apparent that he wasn’t Sith either, otherwise, well, she’d probably recognize him.

What brings me to this world?” She smiled. “My mother.” The joke was dry and she didn’t bother forcing out a chuckle. “I like to travel, and a friend of mine hailed from this world, so I thought I’d check it out.” Of course, that friend was in captivity now. “Everything was going good until that little incident happened.” She smiled, getting up and moving back to the kitchen.

And you, Solan?

| [member="Solan Charr"] |
[member="Sitara Qin"]

"Decided to see what i could find in terms of something to do while i was on the planet myself. I usually hang out with the Jedi stiffs while im in Republic space but something about being part of the darkside and how i was a danger to their teachings or something has me visiting the Hapes Cluster until they get the sticks out of their asses. Sometimes i wish that the Sith were fun to be around, least they aren't god aweful stiffs like the Jedi... granted they kill anyone that is not one of them so being cold shouldered is better than being cold bodied." He laughed as he leaned back, the words picked as a test to see if thsi woman was indeed the Sith he believed her to be or just a simple dark sider like him.
I have to agree, Jedi do have sticks up their asses.

Sitara nodded. What Jedi didn’t? In fact, she believed that they were all prudes until converted, then they could probably be a poodooload of fun. She recalled a certain Jedi she had recently just met and how she had almost pulled him over to the darkside. It’s too bad they ended up getting a little sidetracked and she’d have to save that conversion for another day.

As for the sith killers.

Well, most of ‘em do. As for me, I just like watching my playthings scream.

| [member="Solan Charr"] |
[member="Sitara Qin"]

"So you are a Sith then, i must say im not quite surprised but that does effect on if i will still tell them where you are. But probably not though. At this point i dont see any point in turning you in plus you are interesting and its been a long time since i last got to just sit back and talk with one of you. So what is it like being a Sith and all with your religious mumbo jumbo." He leaned back and looked at her from where he was laying on the couch he was on. He himself had to admit she wasn't bad looking herself and he had to admit he wouldn't mind hanging around just to talk to her over that reason. But while he made himself out as that kind of person, he was not and he much rather preferred talking to her because of the unique situation.
She rolled her eyes as she searched for their liquor. He was totally stereotyping her, and he didn’t really know who she was except for the faction she belonged to. Was Sitara religious? No, she simply followed a code that made a lot more sense than the Jedi’s. She rolled the cabinet door over and grabbed two bottles of beer before heading back to Solan. “I’m not religious, so I have no idea what you mean.” She said, setting the bottles down. “You’re not Jedi nor are you Sith. So what are you, Mr. Solan?

| [member="Solan Charr"] |
[member="Sitara Qin"]

I fight for the Republic at times, some times the the Mandalorians. In truth im little more than a skilled mercenary that was found to possess the same unique quality that you and the Jedi both possess. I could never be one of them, not that i wouldn't want to but im prone to my emotions controlling my usage of the force, i could never come to be of the pure light but there was something i am good at. I can shape my emotions into a rather effective weapon." He smiled at her as he sat up and turned to look at her. "So yes, im a mercenary and a leader of a group called the Vitae Alliance, as well as a King of the planet Kesh. Thats what i am and that is why i am more than happy to watch the Jedi with their sticks up their ass realize they aren't fulfilling their full extent of abilities." So he told her what he was. Not like it would cause him any overwhelming problems.

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