Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well... Here I am...

I created this guy and have succesfully failed to get him started about... Three or four times now... My other two FU have failed spectacularly, but Julius is one i've played as long or longer than any other character i've ever had, and I don't quite want to shelve him really. He's taken a bit different path here, as I had not enough prior threads to back up his Master rank (old forums died and couldn't find them) so I dialed back his powers significantly.

I am up for teaching pretty much anything I know, and am definitely down for expanding on this guys knowledge of the Force and his abilities therein. He's very jaded and suspicious right now, having recently (in the past few years) left the Republic after a mission... Glad to see *somewhere* stressing story over shiny, so to speak!
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

Welcome! I see Julius prefers lightsaber combat over the force, so I'm pretty sure him and Minna will get along just fine.

If you're looking for a thread then our latest one is The Stand, where we hold off against an NPC 'Final Order'. Feel free to jump in and bring in some enemies against you (I could do with some help on the Western front).

Soon enough we'll be going for Major, at which point there'll be plenty of Dominions to join in on. Until then, any other active threads are listed HERE.

And of course, post in our forums to set up your own threads!

Hope you enjoy your time here :D
[member="Julius Sedaire"]
Even someone as inept as an apprentice can learn to wield the force to an advantage over numbers.

It just takes time, patience, and using what is already there. Lava, fault lines, all of those just need a teensy bit of nudging to swallow up a troop of forces.

Trust me, it only looks like I'm procuring the stuff.
[member="Braith Achlys"] - We all have our talents... Some of us have more adeptness at space magic, others of us favor a more personal approach. Julius is still growing. But I must say, I will keep a bag of marshmallows around when you're in the area. Just in case. :D

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