Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well, just call me Mr. Hiatus


The Mind Behind
Hello, everyone! After nine months or so of abscence (after I discovered that I actually sucked at online RPing), I have returned to these boards, hopefully permanently.
So, I left about the time Masks of Madness was wrapping up, and the Jedi Order was looking like it was going to split from the Republic. What'd I miss?
[member="Thomas Hunter"]
I don't recall if the One Sith controlled Coruscant and Alderaan at that point or not, but that happened a while back. And, uh, the previous Mandalore died. Uhm.. [member="Ordo"] was a sock puppet for a little while... uh...
The one sith were not existent in their present form at that time.

The Jedi split some ran off to form the Silver Jedi Order. The grandmaster seat changed twice.
Several flash pan groups sprung up and died.
The Vong came back and are currently working on new life. (Very exciting)
Circe got captured by Gilamar Skirata then was meta-powerGM'd to freedom.
The republic and One sith war began. Coruscant and the Jedi temple were sacked the temple was destroyed. A new darkside site was built over the ruins.
Omega Protectorate and the CIS fought
CIS became ASA and systems authority.
The Fringe got quiet and took a don't touch me i won't touch you policy.
Levantine Sanctum grew in both members and territory (also very exciting.)
Ordo became the Dark Lord of the One Sith then was revealed to only be a mentally dominated puppet similar to Revan and Malik. Ordo was shot dead which ended that relationship quite abruptly.
Oh a Hutt became the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and did a fair job i think.
Gilamar Skirata died sadly, i killed him.
Mandos have a new Mandalore
SJO have a new hot tub and some good stories running around.
The imperial Remnant became a thing and stuff
The Rebel Alliance was nixed and then re started under a new leader with a new group of people. Very different animals.
The shadow empire became a thing as well had some rough spots but still exist.
Moross crusade kinda did their own thing in the corner. (Don't ask don't tell i always say)
Um...Spencer Jacobs made me her grape feeder OOC (she loves me some where in there i know it)
Tefka decided to give everyone a free ice cream, sorry none for you you missed it...I'm totally not lying about that one.
And [member="Silara Vantai"] professed her undying love and devotion for me via interpretive dance then [member="Camellia Swift"] shiped me with Valiens Nantaris and how could I say no to that!

So that was about .5 percent of what happened and If you remember nothing else know that we love you like our own little Ropo.
[member="Thomas Hunter"]
Ordo said:
And [member="Silara Vantai"] professed her undying love and devotion for me via interpretive dance


The Mind Behind
Ordo said:
Tefka decided to give everyone a free ice cream, sorry none for you you missed it...I'm totally not lying about that one.

Seriously, though, thanks [member="Ordo"] very much for that. Time to get my characters back in the loop!

EDIT: Wait, so

Ordo said:
Ordo became the Dark Lord of the One Sith then was revealed to only be a mentally dominated puppet similar to Revan and Malik Malak.
Who was doing the dominating?
[member="Silara Vantai"] I just saw that movie for the first time a week or two ago...It was not bad.

[member="Thomas Hunter"] Welcome back and stuff. I wasn't here when you were here last so...whats up?

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