Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well..... sorta anyway

Marona Rayheart

"I'll take these broken wings and learn to fly"
Less of an LOA and more of a "If I suddenly dissapear now you know why"

I'm not.... not that good with explanations so meh

A while back I was in an accident, since that point I've been getting pain (I mean duh >……>) and fits of dizziness (that have thankfully lessened )

Anywaaaay I've been going to the doctor to get checkups often and stuff, but if I suddenly go poof that's the likely reason

Characters affected in this event
@Marona Rayheart

[member="Severa Everglade"]
@Tora Merkew

Connor Harrison

[member="Marona Rayheart"]

#1 RULE - RL always comes first.

Sorry to hear about your situation, but I hope you get on the road to recovery soon. Take it easy, and take all the time away you need. We'll be here waiting for you. :)
Oh dear! I sincerely hope you recover soon! Accidents can be quite stressful (even near-accidents) and the medical affects can be rather... well, you know. It's not fun in the slightest.

We will completely understand if you must take a sort (or long) vacation of sorts. We will surely be here when you make your return.

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