Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well, this sucks

So, within the last few weeks, I've been in and out of the hospital. We went in on Sep.14th to get a lump in my shoulder checked out, thinking it was just an injury from tubing that never quite healed. When the doctor ordered an MRI, we were a bit surprised, That Friday, though, we found out that it was a tumor. We went in for a biopsy that Monday. Late that week, on the 18th, we got the news that it was cancerous. I went in for more PET scans, which showed another tumor in my hip. I went in for Chemo last Monday (the 28th) and just got out yesterday. I'm doing well, all things considered.

To [member="Rafeesh"] and [member="Darth Erebos"], I'm going to ask for a bit of leniency in my replies. I'm trying, but it's a lot to take in.

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