Born standin' up and takin' back.
Subterrel – The deep south
Prospecting, not one of Eldin’s usual past times but it was beneficial to the pocketbook and after sinking a large part of his Talons into Whistler’s Hole, he had to find a new way, a quick way to get some coin. Whistler’s would take some time before the books would read in the black.
Subterrel was the most likely place for gaining a quick buck, although it would be hard work.
The Rusty Bucket sat on the surface of the planet ready for the pay load. Beneath the surface, deep in the caves Eldin started the set up for prospecting. The atmosphere on the surface required a breathing mask, and protective suits again the acid fog that clung to everything. He even had his ship prepped for the place, the last thing he wanted was for the Rusty Bucket to .. rust. Or erode.
In the mining cave however, one could walk around freely without all the trappings. He had set up an environmental tent to help add to the depleted air and help those not physiologically suited to the terrain. He was one of them after all and needed to protect his lungs.
Eldin lit up a thin cigar. The swirling smoke escaping the corner of his lips and got trapped in the peak of the environment tent. He peeled off his jacket throwing it away to the equipment crates and rolled up his sleeves.
It was time to get to work and prospect for Tydirium.