Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Active Member
Hello there, i'm not exactly new but Fresh ready to get back into Star Wars Role Play(long echos ensue).

let me take this time to tell a little bit about myself, I like long walks on the beach, moon lite summer nights, Star wars(OF COURSE) , and MEMES lots and lots of memes, so don't be afraid to share your best memes with me. Because, as we all know memes are the windows to the soul... Or was it eyes? I don't know, probably memes.

Ya know, I look out across this sea Role players and all I see are potential friends, oh, what's that? I'm being Way too nice? TOO BAD! By the time through with all off you, your gonna look to me and say "Hey! I like that guy."

Oh Gosh! I almost forgot the most important part! I'm looking to get into a good crowd, ya know really nice people (I'm saying this ironically because i'm also going to say they have be Sith), with good ideals and they have to be sith.

And one last thing, don't be shy, Reply! Hey that rhymed! In other words Don't be a stranger,strangers!

Fiolette Fortan

[member="Avery Regailis"]

Welcome! ^_^

If you have any questions feel free to ask, I hope you enjoy your stay. Pop into the Sith Empire when you get a chance to say hi, and again welcome/welcome back to the boards!
Welcome to Chaos! One of our Sith is Prazatis there, we also have more in various different places. The Sith are fun and cool writers. I hope you enjoy your stay here at Chaos and join us in taking over the world!
[member="Avery Regailis"]

Some stuff happened, emperor was banned from the site, without him the faction died out. Now there's still some writers left from there, but the faction is gone.


Active Member
Then his great vision, of a true sith empire is gone , my friends are gone.

my name was Marlo Tere, Very new, in a way he took me under is wing, he was wise, like, in life way not a RPing way. At first I was terrible at Role playing, but he inspired me to better.

thank you [member="Adenn Kyramud"] this truth has stop many sleepless nights and thoughts of regret.

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