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Wenwynig - Death's Claw



NAME: Wenwynig

FACTION: Any Dark Side Faction


SPECIES: Symbosys

AGE: 428 years old

SEX: Male in voice and physique

HEIGHT: 7'6 but known to grow to 8'3

WEIGHT: 1st, due to his races ability to shift from liquid to solid, his body is light weight.

EYES: White


SKIN: Red with a mix of black



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

  • Longevity, can survive most attacks that would kill other humanoids,
  • Not having organs like most humanoids, their body can be split by melee/projectile attacks which can then reform back into the humanoid shape. These projectiles can be regenerated over a period of time, longer time to recover the more projectiles are used.
  • increased strength, agility and dexterity.
  • Limbs can morph into weapons and their bodies can morph into any shape due to its liquid like form. They can create melee weapons like swords and axes, and can throw spear-like objects. These melee weapons are just as dangerous as standard melee weapons.
  • Can shoot projectiles from its body. These spear-like projectiles are sharp and can pierce most standard armour.
  • Can absorb projectiles from slugthrowers. Their liquid-like form means that projectiles from slugthrowers go through the body and the Symbosys does not feel any pain from the attack.
  • Can survive for limited periods in vacuum and can breathe most atmospheres due to their Givin like biology.
  • Sonic attacks, sonic attacks render the Symbosys unable to move and high frequency attacks will turn them into puddles unable to do anything for several hours after the sonic attack has finished.
  • fire is seen as terrifying to the Symbosysia as the fire causes them actual pain and makes it difficult for the Symbosysia to keep a humanoid shape and intense heat can even kill Symbosysia by making them evaporate
  • unable to maintain strength if not fed regularly,
  • being frozen solid, it is impossible for them to move and when the ice is shattered they are killed. They also remain frozen, unable to move or change shape.
  • Lightsabers, other Lightsabers like weapons, cauterise the Symbosysia making it difficult for them to reform into humanoid shape. It is very difficult to kill one with these times of weapons but not impossible. Blaster fire can kill Symbosysia, however it takes many shots and most people use heavy repeating blaster cannons to do this.
  • can cut them into pieces which reduces them into puddle like forms.
  • Unable to connect to the Force. The species as a whole cannot use the Force but are not Force Dead.
  • Takes time for them to reassemble from a puddle form into a humanoid shape. Depending on the amount of damage varies the time it takes to reassemble. If a Symbosys has severe injuries then they can spend 24 hours recovering and reforming into a humanoid shape.

In his humanoid form, Wenwynig is tall standing over 7'8 to 8'3 if he feeds heavily on others. He usually has long sharp teeth with claws that are just as deadly. His voice is deep and gruff, with his body usually lean and muscular. He also has the ability to change his limbs into weapons.


Wenwynig was born during a difficult time for Symbosys with Gulag plague affecting the galaxy as a dangerous threat. During the plagues high point, many suspected that Symbosysia were related to the plagues unknown origins due to the species's unusual physique and their ability to shift forms. This point of wariness caused many Symbosysia to live on an isolated planet to survive and cope with the plague even planning to wipe the small population. His upbringing was rough as it usual is for Symbosysia, he was made to survive on his own and feeding was difficult on a planet with many other Sysmbosysia.

For over fifty to sixty years, Wenwynig lived for many years moving from planet to planet, hunting and living within his means. No matter how difficult it got, Wenwynig survived developing immense blood-lust and skills in combat. His mind was warped with hunger and desire to kill any and all beings. When Wenwynig reached over 150 years, he turned his high desire for blood-lust into becoming a skilled assassin. Working for several factions aligned for the Dark Side, seeking to rise in power and bring honour back to the skilled assassins of old Symbosysia.

Recently, with the many warring factions, Wenwynig fell into the background and ensured that he survived from the different battles. However, in more recent years, he has started to resurface seeking to continue his work in killing and hunting.

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