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Werdla Dardalab

Werdla Dardalab


NAME: Werdla Dardalab
FACTION: Mandalorian/Crew on Drea's Revenge
RANK: Bounty Hunter/Soldier/Bodyguard/Pirate
SPECIES: Korun/Human/Arkanian hybrid
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 186 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Brown
Armour: Red, Gold and White
FORCE SENSITIVE: A little, untrained. Could never be a full fledged Jedi or Sith. Also don't mention it to her.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
High Poison Tolerance - Though not as high as a full Korunnai
Light Sensitivity - She doesn't have the Arkanian ability to see into the infrared spectrum, but if it's bright out she does go around squinting. Another good reason to never take off her armour.
Mildly Xenophobic - She'll do business with them, but non humanoid sentients just kind of weird her out.
The Force is for Pansies! - She will never train. And does not like force users.
Tough - While outmatched by stronger species/men as is reasonable, 'La is tough and can take a fair bit of punishment before she's out of the game. Also a fan of the sucker punch.
HUD - Believes her helmet is the best thing ever. Gets lost in cities without it.
Lightweight - 'La would like to pretend it is not so, but give her an alcoholic drink and she will soon be curled up snoring somewhere ridiculous.
Honor, Duty, Family, Herd - Okay, so that last one doesn't apply so much, but 'La lives by a pretty strict code, and would probably get in over her head for a fellow Korunnai or Mando, also would not see betrayal coming from a member of either group.
Outdoor Survivalist - 'La is that jerk who not only can survive off the land, but is annoyingly chipper while doing.
Can Still Kick You to Death - But it's going to harder. A sniper shot her knee out, she wound up losing the leg.

Werdla, or 'La if you're feeling brave, is fairly tall and quite well muscled for a female. Though to be fair, it's kind of a prerequisite if you're going to run around in armour all day. She gets her dark skin and vestigal force potential from her Korunnai mother. From her half human, half Arkanian father she gets her blonde hair and freckles. Though she mostly cares more about her armour than her own looks, if pressed she's not impressed with the genes from either side. The force sensitive bit really peeves her and the blonde hair is weird. She's on board with the freckles though.

While not unattractive per se, her face has more character than beauty, with a too long nose and eyebrows for days. Plus with the multitude of scars that come with the gig, her chances of making it as a model are practically nil. Tragedies.

She's missing one leg from the just above the knee down.

Werdla was born to a traditional Korunnai mother and a Mandalorian Human/Arkanian father. Her mother died giving birth to her, which was not terrible uncommon in their clan so she was raised by her father, though her Korunnai relatives were happy to babysit when her father was on the very few jobs he deemed too dangerous to bring her along to. She grew up shooting, camping, fighting and the like as a proper Mando should, though not with much contact with other Mandalorians.

As one might expect with the line of work, eventually La's father was killed. She took it rather badly. One set of red and gold armour and several scars later, the folks who were responsible for his death had likewise been shuffled out of the mortal coil and she was left to get on with it. Used to working in close partnership with her father on jobs, 'La found that while she was competent, she was also lonely, and headed for Mando territory.

After helping out her Mand'alor for awhile as was expected, La left again. Being used to just the close companionship of one person, she found the sudden large numbers of Mandalorians overwhelming, and generally came off as super awkward trying to get to know any of them, as most had already established bonds with those they'd fought and trained with. Most recently La found herself signed on as a crew-member aboard the pirate vessel the Drea's Revenge. This is made difficult but the crew being largely alien. She quite likes the Captain though, as she feels he has a very nice butt.

When the pirating dried up she went back to the Mandos and continues to work as part of a five man squad as well as being sent out on any missions her CO's choose.

Two WESTAR-35 blaster pistols - took 'em off some Aqualish who slapped her ass after killing him.
500 Riot Gun, her baby - inaccurate, lots of collateral damage
Old ACP Repeater Gun - sometimes catches fire
A really osik fake leg

Crew on the Drea's Revenge






[member="Kerrel Di Marzullo"]

And then I will build you a cunning hut that is indistinguishable from the landscape!
And kill something and turn it's hide into a stylish winter coat.
Haha, jk vod, I already carved it into like, ten tools in the last fifteen seconds.

[member="Werdla Dardalab"]

*silently eats sandwich when you're not looking*

Yes, much thriving. Bugs taste so good, I'm eating this sandwich so I don't spoil my appetite.
Snuggling is easier when you're not in the middle of the snow in a shack made out of sticks... That's just the slightest bit kinky.
Yes, that's a very sexy coat... too bad it still has gore on it...
Those useful tools are highly flammable...

Camping! Yes.
[member="Kerrel Di Marzullo"]

It is probably those Zambrano genes. *narrows eyes*
All sitting about in their fancy chairs with their fancy magics.
Strap a Ysalamiri to them and throw them into the wilderness, HA!
And snuggling, wut.
Were.. were you flirting with me.. Huh. :mellow:
The gore is emergency rations! Eventually the sandwiches run out.. Fickle things sandwiches.
Flammability can be an asset! Maybe you no longer need a Robinson screw driver, but you do need a fire.
Burn the screwdriver, problem solved.

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
welcome to the club of slightly xenophobic people. Keanu believes humans are the best species. everything else is... well, lesser. besides humans are the best looking. everything else is different and therefore not quite as good :p
[member="Keanu Shan"]

With the tentacles and the strange faces and the crookedy limbs...
And the talking animals! Animals are for food not small chat!
So weird..

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

I see those tentacles lady, take it back to the cantina.
[member="Werdla Dardalab"]

I don't like other Zambranos... Too many insane people.
If you strap a ysalmiri on me, you have to give me a good luck kiss...
At least sandwiches won't poison you...
The only screwdriver I need cold is shaken, not stirred. The little plastic-and-metal thing can go in the fire.

Now, c'mere... You're supposed to conserve body heat, right? ;)
Kerrel Di Marzullo said:
[member="Werdla Dardalab"]

I don't like other Zambranos... Too many insane people.
If you strap a ysalmiri on me, you have to give me a good luck kiss...
At least sandwiches won't poison you...
The only screwdriver I need cold is shaken, not stirred. The little plastic-and-metal thing can go in the fire.

Now, c'mere... You're supposed to conserve body heat, right? ;)


[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
[member="Kerrel Di Marzullo"]

I'll give you a Mando kiss if you really want one that badly..
Poison only affects the weak!
I'm not totally roughing it, I have my armour..
I can kill something and chop it open if you're cold though.

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