Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We're Back, Baby!


Well-Known Member
Hello once again, you wonderful people!​
So I wanted to begin by apologising for my absence from the faction and the site as a whole of late. Long story short: Moved house IRL and our internet did not move with us. For 18 agonizing days we had no internet, so I couldn't post or or even check posts with any consistency. However, none of that matters anymore because we are back!​
First things first: I'm going to be focussing on wrapping up existing threads, including A Call Answered. Alliances have been secured, so make sure you check out the new territories we can operate in. After we're all settled back in, however, new things are in the works! There have been rumours of an underground animal-fighting ring and a well-paying, well-meaning citizen has asked us to investigate. We're still gathering intel, but prepare for some real action in the future.​
Once again, I want to sincerely thank you all for your patience while all this has gone on. While real life can sometimes get in the way, it's awesome to be back, and I promise to make it up to you all with epic threads in the future!​
One more thing: I will be spending some time cleaning up and organizing out IC Resources thread, which I will link to when I'm done. Not a bad idea to get familiar with it, and if you've anything you would like to add for the Family to use, feel free!​
As always, you are wonderful people, see you at the Casino,​

Welcome back, Bambi.

Glad to see you have returned. [member="Ivory Stroud"] and [member="Shaun Castanic"] have been keeping things well running in the mean time. Looking forward to threading with you again in the future :)
[member="Vorkaliin Barass"]

But of course, all good dogs like a bone now and then.

Perhaps we shall ask your Master to let you out.

[member="Shaun Castanic"]

Fear not my friend, there no sense in having pets and not playing with them.
The Last Son
[member="Kyūshū Tsukasa"], If you think I have the leash to the lizard, then you are sorely mistaken.

[member="Vorkaliin Barass"], Hey, hey, hey. No need to threaten my new partner. *waggles finger* No treat for you.
[member="Vorkaliin Barass"]

Oh don't you worry, I have plenty of friends here.

I'm quite content with our business arrangement on Coruscant.

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