Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We're not in Nar Shaddaa anymore... (Open)

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The shuttle had touched down some time ago, and all the passengers had disembarked already. All, save for one.

Cowl up, and mask firmly in place, the young acolyte slipped off the shuttled unnoticed. Moving swiftly, silently, and with purpose, the young acolyte sought the cover of shadow wherever they could.

Stalking silently in the shadows, the acolyte attempted to will their presence in the Force to be as minimal as possible. Attempted, and not succeeded in the slightest. An exercise not thoroughly impressed upon the young acolyte. One of many exercises they'd need better training in.

Rich, golden eyes could be seen, if one looked closely enough, through the narrow slits in the mask, glittering as they darted about, taking in all they could of the Silver Temple. How the acolyte desperately wished to call this place home. But, one needed to find an individual with some authority first! And, perhaps impress them enough to accept the lowly acolyte as a Padawan.

The acolyte had rudimentary training. Basics really. But what training they lacked, was made up for with raw talent and ability, and a strong connection with the Force. For all their effort in going largely unnoticed, the acolytes Force presence is sure as anything to draw attention to their person, moving quietly towards the entrance of the temple grounds.


The sounds of the tassels cracking came first, the long reach in the room of Amaretsu's tails. The ones dodging and learning how to defend from the lightwhip's attacks. Her arm rotating as it built up speed and momentum to impacts wrapping the tails of energy with feedback and hums before she was retracting it and standing there in the dark bodysuit. Mask up and around her face with the sound of her breathing through the rebreather in the mask before she was retracting the wires and her lightwhip went to her hip. The healers head turning when there were the sounds of someone coming towards the temple both in the force and the wrist pad she had. Bad eyesight was one thing but you had to know where you were going when walking around a lab. "Seems we have someone new, go and line up. I'll see who they are." She was moving to go and meet standing taller a little in the black medical bodysuit and relying on the force to sense and find what was around herself.
The acolyte tensed up as the doors ahead opened. Standing perfectly motionless in the shadows between two pylons supporting a decorative arch near the entrance of the Temple, one would fine the acolyte nearly impossible to discern, if only using ones own natural eye.

But the acolyte knew that the black clad individual whom came to a stop right before them used not their natural eyes, but the minds eye blessed by the Force. Lowering ones gaze towards the floor, the acolyte struck a pose of reverence and respect before one far greater in the Force than themselves.

Breathing was notably controlled, keeping ones excitement contained. Perhaps this one, this black clad Force Master, perhaps Jedi, might be the one to teach the acolyte. Please let this one accept me.... the acolyte pleaded silently, yearning for greater discipline, greater skill, and greater potential.


She maintained her stare at the boy now taking in the full sight of him and changing a little. To get a better idea and view as he didn't speak but it brought her attention mostly to him as she spoke. "And who are you?" Less formal then some sure but she wasn't to make a grand speech when it served no purpose. It wasn't how she was trained and the lightwhip rested at her side. She could handle most of the problems and attacking a jedi world... better a temple was never a smart play.
"Ryn'Dhal." The acolyte responded as soon as prompted. His voice as soft, coming from beneath the mask. The master should be able to tell, if she's observing his mind at all, that the youth was non-hostile.

"I meant no offense in my subterfuge. I wished to observe before making my presence known." He spoke, deepening his bow a little further. "I felt it be more prudent to leave if I was out of place without wasting others time dealing with me directly."

The next few moments the Jedi Master would surely scrutinize the young acolyte. He could not refrain from one more apology. "Please, I beg your forgiveness." He was more than a little familiar with at least the design of the weapon the master bore. His last desire was to see that weapon turned on him.


Her eyebrow raised under the mask while she was looking towards the boy first at him and his mask before she brought her hand up and out. The fingers squeezing together and moving for a moment as the snap echoed and her voice came out. "Session finished, return to your rooms." There were some looks and finally she turned back after they left letting the shutters close before entering the room while it was being lit with low light with her hand going to the mask before she spoke.

"Sit Ryn'Dhal." She remained for a moment as the small seals hissed while she was taking her mask off and the pale skin with short black hair before speaking. "IF you have no ill intentions towards the students here, then you will find a place you can be a part of. The jedi however are not something you stumble into or choose because it is easier. Whatever reasons brought you here will still be there and we are not going to serve as a place of sanctuary or refuge."
Ryn'Dhal sat down where he was told, taking a standard meditative posture. Back straight, hands resting on his knees. Masked face was elevated to that of the woman before him. "I am not here, seeking refuge. I am not in hiding. I have received rudimentary training, but that is all. I came seeking further training. A Master who would have me." He bowed his head against after speaking his mission statement. Should she wish to pry, she'd find that what he said was the truth. He had no ulterior motives.

"My subterfuge was only an attempt to not waste any potential Master's time. If I believed there was no one who'd be willing to take me, my stay here would be short lived indeed, as I'd had intentions of taking a flight off-world on the last shuttle of the day." the youth explained, mask still angled down in respect. "A Master's time has value. And it shouldn't wasted on one who is unworthy."

Lifting his gaze once more, his glinting golden eyes could almost be seen through the thin slits of his mask. "If I am unworthy of yours, or any of your peers time, waste not one more moment with me, and send me from your sight. I beg this of you."


She was looking at him now while standing there in the dim light and keeping her arms crossed while speaking. "It is not a waste of time unless you make it such. All are welcomed here but few make it a place they belong. Some come because they think swinging a lightsaber is cool,." She said it and without making the motions it was in quotation marks. "THey come because they think the force means they are meant to be a jedi. This is false, not everyone is meant to be a jedi. Some have other places to work within the galaxy." Her attention was on a few more things though as she started walking around. "As for being unworthy that is only something you can answer." She held out her hand more like a noble demanding her ring be kissed but there was no ring. "In which finger is the power to change the universe?"
In the annals of the Silver Temple lay many Jedi. At times, this Temple contained a home away from home for the former Grandmaster, Joshua DragonsFlame. Robed up in brown, a hood over his head, he stood at the corner of one of the halls nearby, watching... Listening, but without making a sound.

He was curious as to what method [member="Cathbodua"] would use to decide what path lay in front for this Padawan hopeful.... And he wondered just what the Padawan hopeful [member="Ryn'Dhal"] would do to show his worth.

But part of him was tempted to find a way to test them both...
He mused many moments on the question, the obvious head tilts signifying his confusion, as he observed each finger in turn.

Then, he sat bolt upright, quickly and firmly poking his mask between the eye slits. That same gloved digit was extended up before him, a smile evident in his voice as he answered the wise Master's question. "But of course! It is my own finger that holds the power to change the universe! Just the same as your own!"

His eyes glinted warmly as he earnestly watched her face for reaction, hoping dearly he did, in fact, answer correctly, and not simply come off as arrogant.

[member="Cathbodua"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
[member="Ryn'Dhal"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

There was a look at him as she took her hand away with a small tight lipped grin appearing while she backed away a little. "See you are not without your talents." Her attention was on the other who had come but not pushing before she spoke again. "Now lets see what we can do for getting you some beginning lessons. What skills if any do you have within the force padawan?"
It appeared that whatever test the Padawan had been given, he had passed the first one. His answer was good... Albeit ambitious. Ambition could be a strength to a Jedi, but it could also be a weakness. Ambition could lead to working hard to do your job as a Jedi well, maybe impress the Council and be recognized for your efforts. It could lead to a Jedi embracing their inner strengths to counteract their weaknesses, and in doing so succeed more at being the peacekeepers they were supposed to be.

But ambition could also lead to greed, to corruption. Wanting something in an ambitious matter could be corrupted into performing deeds that were highly uncharacteristic of a Jedi. It could lead to ego, to desire... And a one-way ticket to the dark side.

He pondered just how the would-be Padawan would handle it, and if this girl would take him as her student in turn to show him how to use that ambition properly. He waited, cloaked and hooded, force presence masked for the moment, to see what his response to her question would be... But he had a better idea.

The cloaked figure would step forward, stopping in front of the two and giving a graceful bow.

"I have a better idea. Why doesn't he show you?" The cloaked man would suggest. "My suggestion? Take him to the training ring. Give him a training weapon, and let him spar with you and show you just what he can do. It would be better to see for yourself, before you train him, instead of letting him tell you... Words can deceive you, but combat cannot"

@Cathbodua @Ryn'Dhal
"I have very little formal instruction in the forms.... My strongest ability has been in meditation...." The Padawan said as he stood. "My mind used to be scattered. Lost in chaos. Until I was showed the way to focus. To harmonize my mind to the Force."

He then heard the man stepping towards them before he spoke, masked visage snapping in his direction. Seems he was recommending trial by combat. That made the young Padawan slightly apprehensive. He felt a small boost of confidence by passing the first test, but he held concerns about a practical test. He knew he held some natural affinity towards saber-combat from his earlier training, but he also knew he held no formal knowledge of the various combat forms, and the Padawan did not know how his roughness would come back against him.

Funny enough, he did not fear the almost guaranteed pain and injury he will suffer during the trial. His concern was with disappointing the two Masters before him.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Cathbodua"]
[member="Ryn'Dhal"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

She was looking at him and listening while keeping her attention on some of the things he would be able to do. "Well that will help when we get to the next parts." Now she started walking in the room making a circle while she let the doors close. "Meditation is a strong technique to use when you get into the better forms. One of the first techniques I teach my students is how to meditate and sustain their bodies during long sessions away from temples or ration packs. We'll see how long you can last with your meditations." She almost had a smile appearing on her face while walking and creating an invisible circle almost.
Ryn moved to the center of the circle the Master now walked, and took his typical meditative position. Straightening his back during a long intake of breath, the Padawan visibly softened his spine as he exhaled, his mind going into the familiar ritual, the Code circulating through his mind as a focus. The longer he was left to remain in his meditation, the slower his breathing became. The delays became so great that were one not versed in the Force to walk in and witness the scene, they would be convinced the Padawan had expired. As long as no hostile actions were perceived through the Force, the Padawan would remain in this almost stasis-like meditation for days on end.

Any attempts to breach his mind yielded only the Code.

"There is no emotion, there is peace."
"There is no ignorance, there is knowledge."
"There is no passion, there is serenity."
"There is no chaos, there is harmony."
"There is no death, there is the Force."

She was watching him now and admired it, he knew what he was doing as she stopped walking and sat there on the edge. With the lights dim her bodysuit was obscured but her face was still very pale in the dim light. Short hair and the small holocron on her neck gave a blue glow before she was entering a meditation and kneeling down. Legs in a comfortable position she could hold for several days if need by while feeling the force and pulling at it to sustain her body from hunger and need of fluids. SHe wouldn't risk her padawan by putting him in danger that she wasn't willing to face herself for the next several days.
If left uninterrupted, Ryn'Dhal would achieve a new record. About mid-day of the 8th day he returned to contemporary consciousness with a sharp intake of breath. The thing he disliked the most about coming out of the long meditations is his body's almost angry demand for food and drink. A long, low rumble emanated from his belly, as if greeting his return.

His keen eyes pierced the darkness, as he saw Master [member="Cathbodua"] not far off also in a meditative trance. He would endeavor to remain motionless and quiet, as to not disrupt her own meditation pre-maturely.

She didn't know how much tim had passed, the meditation breaking and that feeling in her stomach came but as she opened her eyes blinking it was a long process. Thankfully she knew they had been there pretty much undisturbed, her sessions recorded and marked in the rooms as she could be gone and working for weeks at a time. Looking around to see past the membrane over her eyes she could see the padawan and spoke rising up. "You have done well, the force can sustain you when you teach it to. For days, even weeks on end, my master was able to hold a meditation for three months just feeding on the force. I don't know if you'll be able to do that but the lessons are there." She rose up without the stiffness of being still for so long as she stretched out hearing her body popping. The jedi taking out some food cubes tossing them over. "Eat up and be ready one for the next stage."
He accepted the nourishment gratefully, rising to his feet lightly. Lifting his mask just enough to slip the food cubes into his mouth, he ate while maintaining concealment. He did not quite know why he kept himself shrouded, but he was more comfortable in such a fashion.

After eating, and feeling thoroughly recharged, the young padawan looked to Master [member="Cathbodua"] eagerly, looking forward to what she had planned next.

She was looking at him now while standing there and speaking finally. The necklace coming off her neck as she held it in her palm. "You have done well but there is much that will still be worked on. Meditation is good but you must be able to handle it, this holocron here and here." She was indicating the circle while she spoke. "This is the masters wheel, it is where your world is and there will be nothing outside it until you are told so. Is that understood?" She moved around and there were smaller circles outside the largest one while she was sealing the doors and the lights changed to illuminate the room more but there was no harsh light. The holocron going back while Cathbodua prepared with her whip.

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