Sword of Vahl
Share them ideas! Don't let them go to waste in that head of yours! Come on! Let them out, we all want to hear them!
Should we speak Sith perhaps? Maybe sacrificing ourselves to the goddess isn't such a good idea after all? We're all people of great ideas, but ideas never gets anywhere (nor are they heard) as long as you don't let them be known. We aren't some sort of exclusive club here, in fact we're quite the opposite.
As much as our main group affiliaiates with the OS, the admin team still supports this faction as a unification of what it means to be Vahla. One Sith or not. We can't make you join, but we still implore you to do so and share your ideas.
In any case. As far as the actual work around here goes the wheels on the Ember train has been turning very slowly to say the least. The last few weeks has been filled with therapy, an overall lack of inspiration as well as school work which has started to really pick up. Still, that ends ends in December after which I should be able to put my back into this faction for real.
I know, courses really get up in our faces sometimes. I will be around, I always am, but for now the posting gets a bit spotty.
Until then, I am Sena Lassiter and thanks for stopping by, Embers.
Should we speak Sith perhaps? Maybe sacrificing ourselves to the goddess isn't such a good idea after all? We're all people of great ideas, but ideas never gets anywhere (nor are they heard) as long as you don't let them be known. We aren't some sort of exclusive club here, in fact we're quite the opposite.
As much as our main group affiliaiates with the OS, the admin team still supports this faction as a unification of what it means to be Vahla. One Sith or not. We can't make you join, but we still implore you to do so and share your ideas.
In any case. As far as the actual work around here goes the wheels on the Ember train has been turning very slowly to say the least. The last few weeks has been filled with therapy, an overall lack of inspiration as well as school work which has started to really pick up. Still, that ends ends in December after which I should be able to put my back into this faction for real.
I know, courses really get up in our faces sometimes. I will be around, I always am, but for now the posting gets a bit spotty.
Until then, I am Sena Lassiter and thanks for stopping by, Embers.