Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wes Redtree

NAME: Wes Redtree
FACTION: Free agent
RANK: Staff Sergeant
SPECIES: Near-Human
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5' 6"
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale

Marital status: Divorced, Widowed
Significant Other: Janifir Jovan (Ex), Hesa Windspeaker (Deceased)
Children: Oneida Redtree (Daughter), More possible
Parents: Tika and Wes Redtree Sr. (Deceased)
Siblings: Alan Redtree (Brother), Nicole Redtree (Sister)

Economic Class: Upper Low class
Occupation: Career Soldier
Disabilities: PTSD, Major Depressive disorder, Addictive personality
Credit score: No history
Credits: 80,000 savings, 200 credits checking, 42.58 credits on hand.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Quick learner
+Expert Marksman
+Combat Martial Arts
+Reconnaissance training
+Big Hearted
-Addict: Alcohol, Stimcaff, Tobacco
-Isolationist: Pushes others away
-Masking: Shows others the person he wants them to see
-Mentally Unstable

Flecks of grey already mark his short brown hair as eyes that have seen to much of the worst the galaxy has to offer stare out from beneath a bow that seems permanently creased with lines of worry and regret. His lean frame shows the toll of a hard life in the form of scars and hard muscle. His clothes differ from war to war but with out fail a flask rest in one of his pockets and a pack of cigarettes is somewhere in his gear. Seldom unarmed he is rarely out of uniform of some kind or another.

Born in the back of a speeder on the way to the hospital Wes has seldom had an easy life. The frigid winter day on which he took his first breath marked the beginning of what would be a long story.

In his early years it seemed that there was little that could hold him back. His family lived in a small two room house at the edge of a local mine where his father worked. His mother was barely 18 when he was born and did her best to be the adult she had to be to take care of the boy that would be the first of her three children. His father, who was already in his early thirties, was a veteran of a local army that had been disbanded after the gulag plague. He would often tell his son stories of his military days and the glory and strength that one could gain in uniform.

Soon life changed again when his brother was born. Young Wes was suddenly on the back burner as his parents gave their attentions to the prettier blond haired blue eyed baby. Wes hardly one to let a lack of attention get him down took the time to himself as an opportunity to explore and play in the surrounding forest and mountains. He often had thoughts of becoming a soldier as his father and grandfather had been but that was a long way off for the young boy.

Life was simple but good for many years. They struggled to find food and even clothes that fit but Wes never minded having less than others. He even overlooked the fact that beatings had replaced the hugs he once got and he had begun to receive his brother's and later his sister's share of punishment as well. For whatever reason his parents had begun to see the strong smart young boy as responsible for his siblings up bringing and when one did wrong Wes was punished for failing to keep the younger ones out of trouble.

Bitterness slowly began to creep into the boy but his spirit and genuinely good heart remained unbroken. Soon beating Wes was no longer enough for the depressed and impoverished parents and their fights between one another became intense. Without fail Wes' mother began seeking companionship from a friend while her husband was away for days at a time working in the mines for his meager pay. The man, Clyve Demoid, had captured the heart and mind of Wes' young mother but what she saw as an answer to her prayers for a "good man" was the beginning of Wes' nightmares, for unbeknownst to her, her new lover also had a taste for young boys. Wes became withdrawn angry and the good heart he had always had began to be buried beneath the pain and shame of his new torture.

Wes after five years of being ignored and fighting to be the only of his father's children to have to endure his mother's lover and later her abuse he told his father what had been going on. His father finally showing the love that had been buried under worry and poverty asked Wes to forgive him for not being there and letting such terrible things go on. However, the former soldier and his revived paternal love for young Wes was short lived. His father killed his mother and her lover before finally killing himself leaving Wes and his two siblings orphaned.

Wes, who was now twelve, was sent to do his duty as the oldest and work off the remainder of his families debts at the local mines that had claimed much of his father's life. His brother and baby sister were placed in foster care and received a portion of Wes' pay weekly for expenses, Wes never heard from them directly again.

Life in the mine was hard. On more than one occasion he worked until his hands bled. He was too young to operate machines and so the life of hard manual labor followed by exhausted sleep in the mining barracks Was all he had. His only comfort was the occasional visit to the library and market he was alotted once a month. He worked for ten years slowly being forgotten by one and all. The tragedy of his childhood followed by the years of being a nameless faceless number in the system left him longing for a change and when his families debts were paid he was met at the gates by a military recruiter and a new life began again.

His indoctrination into the military life was far easier than any would have expected. A hard life of having little and enduring stresses of many kinds made his boot camp a simple thing. Some joked that the military may make him soft. He quickly distinguished himself and was promoted out of boot camp and sent on to advanced training. It was during this time that he was tested for force sensitivity and found that at some point he had not only been strongly force sensitive but he had cut himself off so completely that he was completely force dead.

Military Career Summary:

After boot camp his training as a spotter and later a sniper began. His lack of presence in the force became a highly valued commodity in the field of reconnaissance and he quickly showed his aim and calm under fire were well suited for various 'special' assignments. After his first two years he met his first wife who worked in the logistics department and was often involved in making sure he had the correct equipment for his assignments. The two fancied themselves in love after a short time and were married after only two months acquaintance.

Only nine months passed before he was served with divorce forms as he returned from a deployment on a carrier class capital ship. It seemed his wife had found she was once again in love yet another man and she no longer love Wes. Wes with his typical coolness signed the flimsi sheets, walked across the flight deck and boarded a different vessel. He then took every offered deployment for the next four years. After some time passed he met yet another woman and was married again. He and the woman were very happy and Wes for perhaps the first time in his life felt like a normal person. They had a daughter whom was named Oneida and Wes was promoted to Staff Sergeant and given a training position. Wes continued in his assignment and though they had the usual problems a married couple faces they remained happy and devoted. Wes was on his way home from the base one day when he was stopped by military police and informed that his wife had been in an accident and was in the hospital. He was then escorted to the hospital and given his daughter who was miraculously safe.

After 43 hours of waiting at the hospital his wife died of internal bleeding and swelling of her brain and Wes was sent on leave of absence from service to raise his daughter. A few months later he left his daughter with a school for girls and went back on active duty.



The Unfortunate Sons Mercenary Platoon

26 troops and one combat officer

Officer: First Lieutenant Henry Darklighter
SNCO: Gunnery Sergeants Kian Hex and Vima Kol; Staff Sergeants Wes Redtree, Gita Yari, and Dax Shepherd
NCO: Sergeants Alisa Gray, Terence Dresden, Seymour "Skippy" Foringey, and Raj Khun.
Corporals: Nimi Varamin, Jek Sto
Lance Corporals:
Privates First-class:

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