Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We've heard about the Dark Jedi. Thoughts on the Rogue Jedi?

I have been Rping a rogue Jedi for some time. To me it seems that a Rogue has more flexibility in the world of the Jedi, but less than a Dark Jedi. Now notably, rogues do not conform to any particular order.
So I'm curious, what do you think of them? What is their role, and why do most actual Jedi reject them?
As I see it, Rogue Jedi are flawed in some sense of the force, maybe not adhering to a particular section of the traditional Jedi Code. As a whole they still try their best to do good in the galaxy, despite their disposition towards traditional orders and dogmas.


But do you recall, the strangest Jedi of all?

But in all seriousness I've just considered Rogues to be Jedi who didn't want to be formally apart of an Order, and still cling to the Jedi ways just without the trappings therein.
I write a rogue Jedi, [member="Codi Zrgaat"]. She hasn't been rejected by the Jedi, and she's not deficient in any way. For her, being a "rogue" was a conscious decision. She'd become extremely disillusioned with the way the Jedi Order was handling itself, and decided it had lost its way. She chose not to be associated with it, turned in her lightsabers, and walked out.

The rank titles, as was discussed in another thread, aren't supposed to be stratified castes. They're more general ideas with actual names attached to them. But for actual rogue Jedi, it could be they were cast out, ran away, or simply quit. In fact, it's super likely that most examples on the board are that last one. Jedi quit the Order all the damn time.
This is completely ic knowledge but technically Ivy clings moreso to the dark side, yet she has enough lightside influence and such to remain rogue... this is one of the reasons for her low midi-chlorian count and weak force abilities (Shh thats a secret :p )

but she also is very loyal to the order she is in now, the reasons for this will be revealed later on.. and yea, it should be a nice thread that might very well explain alot about her that is still in the dark.
The rank titles don't have any specific meaning or significance (except obviously to define your force mastery level) - "Rogue" is just a word, its meaning is unique to each character who is utilizing it. Just like "Jedi Knight" or "Sith Lord" are likewise defined by the writer not the rank itself.


Because this site doesn't adhere to as strict a set of dogmatic principles as canon factions do/did. Even the canon factions which are on here are slack and much more malleable. There are a lot of different Jedi sects, a lot of Sith 'Empires' etc.

We don't say "your character cannot have the Rogue tags" because they're not one set definition of the ambiguous word "Rogue", the only true defining factor is what comes after: "Apprentice", "Master", "Acolyte", "Knight" and so on...

Try not to set too air-tight concepts on your characters and their affiliation. People like to throw around alignments, but we're not playing Dungeons and Dragons, there's much more to everything we do on this site than the roll of a dice, far more outcomes than a few pre-determined paths.

Think outside the box! Even with the titles that seem like they have a defined meaning. I've seen a lot of people using the "Jedi" tags despite the fact that they're not in the Jedi Order/Silver Jedi; I've seen lots of people use the "Sith" tags despite not being part of the Sith Empire (RIP) or the One Sith.

Just have fun with it <3
I love Rogue. She's my favorite X-Woman :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Rogue Jedi, in my aspect, are those who are indeed vigilantes, who take that step further to do good, and combat evil. Kinda the Jedi who fight Fire with Fire sort of speak. I feel like they don't like wasting time with a council to make a decision, and instead take each deccision for themselves to make. I feel like they are the ones who cater more hate, but do more good then the Jedi as they are willing to step off the path of the lightside for a little, and do what must be done to fight the darkside. This is my opinion though, and don't take it to heart.

Edit: On a side note, I feel they are just as flexible as a Dark Jedi.
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

I generally view Rogue Jedi like Jolee Bindu or an even more independent Qui Gon Jinn. However, one thing I've noticed a lot of are those who use the Rogue tag when in fact they behave like a Dark Jedi and wield darkside powers which goes against my view of Rogue Jedi (i.e., lightsided Jedi who simply shun the Jedi hierarchy/establishment).

EDIT: I would also be remiss if I didn't say that I've seen people with "Jedi" tags also behavior like Dark Jedi......apparently Dark Jedi are very popular but the tags not so much ;)
Rogue Jedi are, in general, anyone who does not belong to the Jedi Order or does not follow/believe in the tenets of the Order, any order really. I view those in the Army of Light to be Rogue Jedi, who were so devoted to a cause that they left the order to wage a war of extermination. There aren't that many examples of them in canon that weren't more than rogue Jedi (Jedi who were only "rogue Jedi" for a brief time) so it's not quite easy to give a distinct example of one, but I'd point at Lord Hoth and such as the biggest examples.

Most Rogue Jedi either fell to the dark side, returned to the order/joined the order, or died in vain.
Bunker-level Normal
Kian Karr said:
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

I generally view Rogue Jedi like Jolee Bindu or an even more independent Qui Gon Jinn. However, one thing I've noticed a lot of are those who use the Rogue tag when in fact they behave like a Dark Jedi and wield darkside powers which goes against my view of Rogue Jedi (i.e., lightsided Jedi who simply shun the Jedi hierarchy/establishment).

EDIT: I would also be remiss if I didn't say that I've seen people with "Jedi" tags also behavior like Dark Jedi......apparently Dark Jedi are very popular but the tags not so much ;)
This is mostly how I view Rogue Jedi. I see them more as Chaotic Good than Lawful Good, willing to do whatever is necessary to uphold their morals. I also think they would likely see the Jedi orders as wayward, and not themselves, which I think is a distinction from Grey Jedi (who understand that their path is different from a Jedi orders'). This, in my mind, grants them the Rogue aspect much more so than any skillset of powers or lightside/darkside.

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