Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What’s Mine, is Not Yours (Republic)

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
Mission Name: What’s Mine, is Not Yours
Mission Location: Elom
Mission Difficulty: Hard
Mission Objective: Liberate Lommite mines from pirates that are holding mine workers hostage.
Mission Slots: 2 Padawans 1 Knight, 2-3 Knights 1 Master, 4 Knights, 2 Masters


"We've got just under ten minutes until landing." Flint announced to his padawans as their Vigilance-class Corvette made its descent through the clouds as they entered the atmosphere of the planet Elom. "Our mission objective is simple. There are mines on the planet surface, currently under control by some space pirates and mercenaries. They're holding miners hostage, and it'll be our job to defeat the pirates and libereate the mines." he informed his Jedi apprentices. This would be a first mission for all of the padawans, but it would be quite a learning experience for them. And there was no better learning experience than participating in missions.

"Any questions?" he asked as he piloted the ship down to the surface of the planet.

Bala Rikan

Mon Calamari Padawan
Bala was sat down, his hands joined together as his head lowered. He looked up at his Master, pushing himself up to stand. "How many of these pirates are there?" The Padawan asked, looking around at everyone else in the ship as he tried not to seem too nervous. His hands rested by his hips, one of them right next to his lightsaber, as if he were fearing being attacked in the air.
[member="Flint Dexen"]
Avano did not make a sound, he said quietly in his seat with his eyes closed. They he was still paying attention to what was being said he was in a light meditation. He open his eyes and looked around with his blue eyes " i wonder that to " he said hearing [member="Bala Rikan"] speaking to [member="Flint Dexen"]
Until it was time, Maya had been doing something quiet different that was taking her form of meditating. Playing with her new plants that just grown from seedlings for this trip. If only to sharpen her skills but also, to calm herself. Feeling that the ship descending picking herself up from where she had stay most of the trip.

Making herself appear as if been blended into the place not to draw attention listening to her Master words. It wasn't only that something else she need to quicken her skills. Stepping out to where the others was gathered, knowing what they would face, all to much as some of the scraps she had gotten herself into, before finding her way to jedi walking this path.

Letting her nods to those gathered, [member="Bala Rikan"][member="Avano Reed"][member="Dia Eyan"]. Coming to rest her eyes upon the pick leader of this mission. [member="Flint Dexen"] he looked young like her but that not always counted it was why experience he held, with he must hold a lot.
Greetings all, Knight [member="Flint Dexen"] I'm ready for the task, upon us.

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
[member="Bala Rikan"] [member="Dia Eyan"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Avano Reed"]

It appeared as though everyone's here, Flint thought to himself as he looked around at his padawans. Flint gazed at Bala, who inquired as to how many pirates there were. "That's the thing, we don't know. There are likely dozens of them, so be prepared to be at the top of your game when we land." he informed with a grin. "Alright padawans, make sure you've got everything and-"BOOM!!!

Without any warning, the ship that the Jedi were onboard suddenly began to descend very quickly after an explosion shook the entire transport. From where he was sitting by the cockpit window, Flint saw what looked like possible hostile pirate starfighters passing by, perhaps the ones that had shot at them. No matter the cause, they were now accelerating as they descended. The gravity exerted on those onboard would be most unpleasant, and Flint grunted as he tried to slow down their rapid descent towards the planet surface. "Hang on to something, and brace for impact!" he commanded to the padawans over the loud scream of the engine from the back of their ship as they plummeted through the clouds.

Bala Rikan

Mon Calamari Padawan
Bala was nodding at [member="Flint Dexen"] when his fear came true. He reached out for a handle on the roof as he readied himself for the crash. "This is why I don't fly ships..." He shouted, closing his eyes, ready for death if it were to come. The Padawan tried to keep his mind clear, but the situation made it hard.
[member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Bala Rikan"]

Avano held on tight to a hand hold as he closed his eyes. The loud explosion was what scared him the most. ~ easy Avano it will be over soon~ he thought as he kept his eyes shut tight.
Rocking forward before finding herself a hand hold along with that she open herself to the force. Let it have a guild with her they was coming in fast, this wasn't going to be a pillow landing that was sure unless someone did something fast. You think, this is a friendly hello, for strangers.
[member="Flint Dexen"][member="Avano Reed"][member="Bala Rikan"]

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
[member="Bala Rikan"] / [member="Dia Eyan"] / [member="Maya Whitelight"] / [member="Avano Reed"]

They were falling faster than Flint would have liked. The Jedi Knight guessed that this particular experience wasn't giving padawans a very pleasant in their very first mission. It probably didn't help with his credibility in piloting ships, but hey, it wasn't Flint's fault that they had suddenly been shot down by pirates. What now mattered was survival. Of everyone, hopefully.

"Ten seconds until impact..." Flint warned, pulling up at the controls at the last few seconds. The Jedi's ship glided over the Lommite-rich surface for a few seconds, before it made contact with the ground. There was severe shaking, and some small explosions as they crash-landed. "Padawans, scout the surrounding areas for possible hostilities!" he instructed as the ship came to a stop, severly beat up from the landing.

Bala Rikan

Mon Calamari Padawan
Bala took a few seconds to recover, the nodded, bringing out his lightsaber and exiting the ship. He large fish-like eyes scanned for any movement, and his hands gripped his lightsaber tightly. "I don't see anything... yet..." The Padawan said as he looked into the sky. "Someone definately would have seen us crash, and they'll be on their way..."

[member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Avano Reed"]
Shaking herself out of the place she came to rest. Finding herself calling out in the force before even taking another step just what she was doing. Pulling herself up full finding a whole in the outer shell had torn loose, squeezing out. After her was a growl then the whole was made bigger out came Heta.

Before her hand coming down to pet her had her lightsaber in hand, looking to where they could take cover. Heta go find, cover my sweet.
Opening herself to the force fully to the way she had been practicing with her Master. It wasn't that she needed the other side inside that part was cage forever. Nodding towards [member="Bala Rikan"]
Waiting to the others[member="Flint Dexen"][member="Avano Reed"] come out just in case she needed to patch any up before they got trouble on their tales. As she started to make up a preminter to work from, knowing that they couldn't say at the crash sight those fighters would be on them, in not time. That the reason she left her lightsaber off for now. Lets move off to the left.

Dia Eyan

Dia stepped out of the wreckage, lightsaber drawn and ignited. Someone said to move to the left, so she did. Jogging in that direction, she saw a few pirates running at her and firing. "We have company!" She shouted as she deflected a few blaster bolts

Bala Rikan

Mon Calamari Padawan
Baka heard the Twilek shout, running to her and drawing some of the fire from her. "If you've got force powers, now's the time to use them!" He shouted over the blaster fire, doing his best to deflect the shots.

[member="Dia Eyan"]
Avano rubbed his head with a soft moan, having hit the wall pretty hard he was slightly dazed and dizzy ~ That did no go to well~ the white hair padawan thought as he shockingly got to his feet. He heard the blaster fire outside, but at the moment with the room spinning he could not do anything.

[member="Dia Eyan"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Bala Rikan"] [member="Flint Dexen"]
Coming about to the left might not have been a good idea or was it the force telling her that was where they was coming in from. Either way, she needed to act her own lightsaber coming to life as she fully came to the force around her. Feeling out where each one deflicting back the folly of laser bolts. It was then could hear screams from her back side.

Coming a low grow, as if her Vine Cat had found her some prey. Smiling after doing some more foot work starting to run towards them having a few of her deflected hitting their target. my sweetie pie found lunch behind us to.

[member="Dia Eyan"][member="Avano Reed"][member="Bala Rikan"][member="Flint Dexen"]

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
Bala Rikan / Dia Eyan / Maya Whitelight / Avano Reed

"I don't see anything... yet... Someone definately would have seen us crash, and they'll be on their way..." "We have company!" "If you've got force powers, now's the time to use them!" Flint heard the yells of padawans as they exited the ship and located pirates coming their way. Not wasting a second, Flint quickly walked towards Avano, who seemed to be the padawan having the most difficulty in recovering from the crash. "Give it a few seconds, and you should be fine..." Flint said as he helped Avano get behind the ship's broken walls to avoid blaster fire.

"Stay within the perimeters of this crash location! We need to stick together to fend those pirates off, get back to back with someone so that you can maximize your defense." the Jedi Knight commanded to the padawans as he rushed outside with his cyan blade ignited. "Jedi scum...." one of the pirates said as they began firing away at the group of Jedi. Flint moved forward, calmly blocking each blaster fire and redirected them back at the hostilities. There seemed to be about a good dozen of them, it seemed.

"Don't go on the offensive. Keep to being defensive, and deflect blaster fire." he instructed as he blocked more blaster fire, before sending a well-aimed Force Push that sent three pirates flying.

Bala Rikan

Mon Calamari Padawan
Bala heard his Master, nodding and calming himself. He focused on deflecting the blasters, going back-to-back with [member="Dia Eyan"] to maximise their defense. "I can do this..." He muttered to himself, blocking more shots.

[member="Flint Dexen"]
Hearing you [member="Flint Dexen"] order to pull back, that what she did, even so finding herself up against the back of Flint blocking Foley of fire that rain down. Knowing full well what need to be done next that was to open herself to the force around drawl it taking a drink of it. Sharping her mind, her actions followed as if one in the force could see the next shoot coming.

This time being different it went straight back to the receiver. That got him. only to keep herself from getting cocky as she some time did, along with her patients. Coming now to fall into a rythm some coming back to their target some going off into the distances. Reaching out to see if there was anything that could be pulled down finding a nice size sapping. Using what she had to reach out with the other hand taking some force to do this, doing a to front. Flint care to lend me a hand, here. wondering if he would catch on what he was doing or any other of the padawn with her.

[member="Bala Rikan"][member="Avano Reed"][member="Dia Eyan"]
Avano leaned against the broken wall with a hand on his head, He wanted to be out there helping but the spinning would not stop. So as he stood there he closed his eyes as he focused on relaxing in hopes the spinning would soon stop so he could help his master and fellow Padawans.

[member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Bala Rikan"] [member="Flint Dexen"]

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