Flint Dexen
Wandering Lost Soul
Mission Name: What’s Mine, is Not Yours
Mission Location: Elom
Mission Difficulty: Hard
Mission Objective: Liberate Lommite mines from pirates that are holding mine workers hostage.
Mission Slots: 2 Padawans 1 Knight, 2-3 Knights 1 Master, 4 Knights, 2 Masters
Mission Location: Elom
Mission Difficulty: Hard
Mission Objective: Liberate Lommite mines from pirates that are holding mine workers hostage.
Mission Slots: 2 Padawans 1 Knight, 2-3 Knights 1 Master, 4 Knights, 2 Masters
"We've got just under ten minutes until landing." Flint announced to his padawans as their Vigilance-class Corvette made its descent through the clouds as they entered the atmosphere of the planet Elom. "Our mission objective is simple. There are mines on the planet surface, currently under control by some space pirates and mercenaries. They're holding miners hostage, and it'll be our job to defeat the pirates and libereate the mines." he informed his Jedi apprentices. This would be a first mission for all of the padawans, but it would be quite a learning experience for them. And there was no better learning experience than participating in missions.
"Any questions?" he asked as he piloted the ship down to the surface of the planet.