Velok the Younger
When I Was A Young Warthog
This place had died hard. Splintered tree-branches the size of capital ships, shards of wood like starfighters, the clean-picked bones of thousands upon thousands of fallen Vong. Vong, and something else entirely.
This far down, sunlight was a myth. For light, Kash used a glowrod and her speeder's headlamps. In the headlamps' light, she crouched by a flattened pod ten metres across. It was, or had been, the husk of a predatory plant whose food had proven too tough to chew. In death, the plant's chemistry had changed. Kash hummed softly to herself as she sliced the pod-husk open with a vibroblade. Within was a jumbled, grotesque mess, drained of fluids but still largely intact. Three Vong, their armor's Bafforr bone worms dead but intact -- she claimed those with her bladetip and put them in vials, in case they were interesting -- and two things she hadn't seen before. Sithspawn, varieties of Force-mutated humanoids, stinking of the waters of Aza'zoth. With immense telekinetic care, she wrapped the still-hazardous corpses in plastic and stowed them in the back of the speeder with the rest. In the long months since the Battle of Yugwaaargh, most of the samples had decayed or been knawed down to skeletons.
"Crude, crude, crude..." She slipped her glowrod through her belt and got behind the controls. The speeder truck headed off through the Shadowlands, headlamps scanning for anything of substance.