Success or Death.
With the fall of the Galactic Alliance, the Core is fractured;
its treasures and secrets are ripe for looting,
and its prisoners await the time to escape.
Amidst the Chaos of the Core, the Dark Lord of the Sith launches a daring rescue of an old ally.
@Darth Isolda, a powerful Vahla Sorceress and Sith Lord, kept prisoner by remnants of the Alliance on Tython.
If freed, she would be a valuable asset to the Empire.
Meanwhile, Sith Forces seek to raid the Jedi Temple on Tython and steal the treasures within,
as there is said to be captured artefacts of the dark side within its vaults.
Artefacts that rightly belong to the Sith Empire.
Join us in another low-stakes skirmish, and raid Tython in
This is a friendly thread, with low stakes and high story potential.