Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What are the Jedi Knights to you?


Active Member
As it says what does the image for you first conjure up. For me i think it's always as we saw in episode 4 Knobi I feel gave me what i still think is my enduring view of the jedi. Ironically not as the order itself thinks of them but as i think people did. Obi won says "The jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the old republic." I think this is why my jedi tend to be those who stray slightly from the orders mainline view because I think in a sense as I play them they realize they have the power to be all the old stories and heros they were told as kids. Basically to be the people who stood up when others suffered. Sometimes it meant defying the order and doing things they deemed brash or not becoming. But so long as one acted right within themselves and as obi won said "do what you think is right.." It was easier to avoid straying to the dark path. I feel what often brings the dark side to jedi is when they try to be what others want them to be or something other than who they are. This leads them to frustration as they try to match an ideal made by somebody else only and not allow their own judgment to be involved. I don't classify the sith as all "pure evil" only a few go there but I blame that more on their own desires than just the dark side. So yeah guess for me the Jedi are a nice hero fantasy come true within their own universe.
In my minds eye, when I picture a Jedi Knight; I imagine a stoic and heroic figure, standing against the precipice of darkness. The shield and defender of the galaxy.

Connor Harrison

With so many interpretations, variations and depictions of what a Jedi is, or even a Jedi Knight, to me I strip it all away and simply see them in a perfect summary by Obi-Wan in 'A New Hope'. Before all the prequels, before all the EU, before everything got complicated...

"For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times. Before the Empire."

There was nothing else before the Empire circa 1977 as a threat to the galaxy and the Knights to me were like the Knights of myth - brave, heroic figures who would lead others into battle against tyranny and evil doings. They had flaws, but they were noble and acted with a great passion for good.


Active Member
I agree [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="The Queen"] to me thats what they always were. That line by Sir Alec Guinness to me summed up what I'd view the jedi as. They were those who acted when others could not or would not. When governments and armies were not able to save us the jedi Knights stood up to fight darkness.
What are they? Quite simple!

Jedi are the reason I got in to Star Wars.

In my own writing I gravitate to darker characters, hence my love for Matsu.

But Jedi - especially Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Yoda - drew me in to the movies. For me it was always that they were, of course, imperfect as anybody else but managed to continue to strive for what was right and good even in the face of darkness. I watched all the movies very young (thanks Dad!) and I was really inspired by them and the concept then, and continue to be now.
Jedi to me are....the reason why the starwars universe is so messed up. Without them and the sith NEARLY ALL of the problems faced by the people IN THE GALAXY would be avoided. The Jedi are just damage control for the sith so in short.


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