RC 212
Somewhere Along the Hydian Way
Random Space Station
The sounds of a plasma torch echoed throughout the hangar bay. Beside him on the crate was a few parts he'd already cut right off the ol bucket. The hangar itself was rather large, and Monty had parked The Rocket Booster, his antique Washburn Class wayyyyy in the back.
He hummed a little tune and puffed on his cigar as he cut out another inertial compensator from the white Vessel and then tossed it onto his pile. Then he slammed a slug of his beer and burped loudly. He set it down and looked up just in time to see the disgruntled owner rounding the corner.
Mouth agape.
"Well feth. Wasn't expecting that guy back so early."
"Hey you! Yea."
Monty cut the torch and scooped the parts quick as a rabit up into his bag.
Then his mechanical legs buzzed to life, pushing the four foot dwarf up onto his mechanical feet.
"What the hell are you doing to my ship! Guards! Seize him!"