Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What are your characters dreams?

I mean aside from destroying the Jedi scum or wiping evil from the Galaxy. What does your character really want out of life?

I think Break would particularly just like to experience nature without there being any sort of work or violence, just once enjoy a couple days in the outdoors.
DragonsFlame honestly would love to settle down and be a family man. It's been a dream of his for a long time. One can only live by yourself doing nothing but train and fight evil for so long before you want something else out of life.

After being woken up eight years later, Sorin is on the move to find out what the galaxy has turned into since he was last here, and so far, he's learned very little =P Only thing he knows for certain is he has a woman talking in his head, and he doesn't know how she got there.
Break said:
What does your character really want out of life?
Thats the Question man! For Kezeroth he does not know yet, hes so blinded by rage, hate and darkness he has no clue what he wants besides to get revenge.

Vina Zomo

Best Karking Healer. Ever.
My dream is to rule the galaxy, enslaving the denizens as my minions and being the empress of all!

Uh...I mean...*coughs* I want to bring good health and medicine to those who can't get it themselves, and put one big bandaid on this galactic boo-boo y'all have made.

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