Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What aspect of Invasions do you dislike the most?

I absolutely hate poorly conceived objectives/victory conditions, which are more the rule than the exception. When an entire invasion gets decided on a technicality involving one line of dialogue, something's seriously wrong.
The way it is handled by faction administration.

  • Defining objectives that are clearly catering towards a single faction
  • Creating rules that are otherwise vague and not elaborated on until the invasion is over
  • Blaming members for the faction's loss and being "disappointed" with them
  • Pushing for lack of communication between two (or more) parties so that PMs are essentially done away with in favor of "accountability" in an OOC thread (I have no qualms with OOC threads, just how they are being used in place of PMs).
That whole part where people pretend to RP but instead decide it's time to subtly make other writer's lives miserable for the sake of doing it under the ruse of story & RP that we all know definitely doesn't exist and anyone who points it out is surely crazy.

In all seriousness, the general toxic atmosphere that pervades most invasions. I'm told there were invasions in days of yore where that wasn't so much an issue, but something seems to have been lost along the way. I've got some suggestions on the matter that don't involve copious amounts of cynicism or colorful metaphors that I'll post up later on, after a quick trip to the store.

Not really the drama as much as it is the drama llamas.

The people who get pissy once something doesn't go their way. They ask for edits on every single thing they find wrong in the slightest. This then pisses the other writers off, so they begin to ask for unnecessary edits as well. Angry people bring drama to the community, write up reports, and drag their drama llama butts all over the carpet.

Then the staff have to pull out the Mr. Clean and clean up the drama-contaminated carpet. Bleh.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
I hate that all invasions have devolved into negotiating terms, objectives, PVP duels.

My favorite invasions have always been the ones with minimal talking and interference to what will actually happen in the thread. My golden glowing example of this is Coruscant, an invasion that as far as I know was universally liked even by the people on the losing side. There were no set objectives, no real rules aside from the boards own, and no set locations. There was minimal drama throughout, an awesome story, and it caused a huge flux in the board. I really miss invasions like that.
  • I hate that, instead of being an epic story, it's a massive, bull-rushed attempt on both sides to win, win, win.
  • Instead of being an actual act of war, an Invasion is one single battle in which NPCs and their toys are used to put pressure on singular characters who want to develop their story and not worry about their lack of writing ability and/or lack of desire to manage their own NPCs.
  • When a faction with far more writers swamps another faction. I.E.-The second invasion of Geonosis when I'm already fighting an enormous commander droid character and, the next thing I know, Ms. Camper says she's sniping me in the head, Commander Deez Nuts over there shoots me in the knee caps and, the entire time, Darth D-Bag has been using Force Grip on my non-force user character to immobilize me and monologue my ears off.
  • When the invasion is posted after I leave for work, I come back and find it's at 30+ posts, I look at my homework and I cry inwardly, thinking, "I'm going to go play Candy Crush..."
Two things:

  • People, because they want to win, compete and don’t want to give in during duels because it’ll cost them a fight. I remember times where people who lost battles for good story reasons were criticised by their own factions for ‘going easy’ or even accused of ‘infiltration’. Thus, everything turns into a lol-dodge sequence of arguments until one side (usually the ones with more people) prevails.
  • Total lack of scale and objectives. I want invasions to be big affairs like the Battle of Geonosis, Endor or Hoth. I want more than a dozen people on each side wailing on each other, and that’s it. Everyone knows I love fleeting, but I wouldn’t want that mandatory, but some sort of strategy, objectives and planning should be involved.
The fact that back in the day invasions were based of the big picture, whole story concept. Fleets mattered, Armies mattered. Folks actually wrote out things other than just PVP. PVP is a big part of the battle nowadays but in reality such a narrow path to tell the overall story through.

Objectives do seem to be very hit or miss as well. More neutrality, more story, more epic armies and feets. Less PVP focus, less focus on shaping the story the way one faction perceives it should be. The best invasions as have been said were snapshot, and organically written. What's the fun of writing only for objectives?

When I had RC I was writing coordinated ground/air assaults. And then I nuked a city and folks flowed with it as they will. Try doing that now, I hear report buttons clicking already...
I dislike how everything has devolved into objectives. Give me a good minimal restrictions invasion where it is the flow of the story that dictates who wins and who loses. An example off the top of my head would be if Sith X and his forces capture a key building and Jedi Y and Z lead forces in a counterattack to try and push them out, but it's not a set objective. It is just part of the story.

I suppose I also hate how we put artificial time limits on the invasions because I have never seen one actually conclude legitimately. Every time the thread just seems to end before results are posted, so you get a ton of draws, a few wins and losses, but no satisfying conclusion where the actual characters resolve their plot arc for the invasion, or if it is a fleet battle it just goes poof. They all just die off and its an irritant.
When I first came to the boards, with Iella I was only three or fours weeks in, with one training thread to her name when I enter the invasion for Metalorn. That for me was the best invasion ever and I had the greatest fun. To the best of my knowledge, there had not been any terms and conditions placed around that invasion (someone involved in that, and was admin at the time might correct me) and we all piled in without any PvP organised and with minor objective of taking a facility etc..

It was pure mayhem, enemy coming in from all sides and it was a blast. I don't know, but in those times things seemed more fair, people more accepting of events that happened within the thread, and I did not have any OOC drama either with anyone there or toward me. I am not sure why things have changed so much in here, we could probably talk about that until blue in the face, but they have.

I think there is too much importance place on the Map, and the map game has taken forefront in the minds of the admins of factions. Not all factions of course, and not all admins, but the sense of it is there.

Being a admin of a faction, I have only had the experience of negotiating over one invasion, and that went extremely well and without any conflict behind the scenes what so ever, and even though SSC lost that invasion it was fun. The terms and conditions of that invasion were kept to a minimal amount .. yes we had objectives, even paired up on PvP, because that is what the mood of the day was/is. But we did it with a lot of story line behind the deal. The Primes hit SSC on Zoist .. it made sense for them to do it and we accommodated that for them. SSC did not set out to loose, no we wanted to win but, it made sense that we did not.

Invasions should be story line based, character development based, faction development based.. not map game. :)

My thoughts... *hugs*

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