As the current leader of the Sith Assassins, Darth Lykos saw it as his duty, although it was by no means required of him, to maintain a health number of individuals under his employ, whether willingly or by manipulation of the mind was unimportant, separate from his Assassins, individuals that would serve as his eyes and ears out within the greater Galaxy, constantly maintaining their facade of standard life while reporting to Lykos rumours and secrets that others would rather not full into the Assassin's purview. His Little Shadows, as he sometimes referred to them both out loud and within the privacy of his own mind. For, indeed, they were Shadows, beings that thrived within the Light when it failed to penetrate reality fully and comfortable in being immersed within the Darkness, indistinguishable.
It was due to this rigid adherence to his perceived duty that lead him to the current situation. Shirtless, exposing the multitude of scars of varying levels of depth that crossed tanned skin and black ink and the dull black cybernetic arm that served as a replacement for his lost left arm, Xavka Duquo - the Iridonian behind Darth Lykos - sat in quiet contemplation as his brunt orange gaze stared straight ahead, unseeing and uncaring. As peaceful and serene as the Zabrak seemed as he sat in sieza, his chest barely rising and falling with each breath, his mind did not reflect such an image. Indeed, within his mind, thought after thought dissecting and analysing everything that he had just seen, from overt body language to the very minute, from spoken words to those left unspoken. He had just watched Lady Kay, a woman known to the Assassin from his younger years, his more naive and overconfident time of being an Acolyte, stand before the people of Commenor and declare her speech, Darkness not so much seeping from the woman as... his mind cast around for the correct word even as he continued to analyse everything. Yes, flare from within, almost unnoticeable to all but those that understood the true Darkness of the Force and those that may have closely known the woman.
Within his hearts, the Zabrak could not deny that he was worried, worried for what this surge of Darkness meant for Kay. It was not that he was upset with her turning to the Darkness, for he knew that progress and power resided within it unlike the stagnation the Light encouraged, but because he knew that those without the proper guidance and understanding held no right to be called members of the Dark and that many of those that tried to shirk such a title through arrogance oft became nothing more than simple husks of uncontrolled anger; a state Xavka, who prided control of himself and others, detested.
Sighing as a course of action settled itself into his mind, pushing him forwards into action once more, Xavka arose from his kneeling position with a creek of bones and armoured leather trousers alike. Striding forwards towards the mouth of the cave he had been kneeling within, Xavka extinguished the candles around him with but a gesture of a hand and would begin to slowly fasten leather armour to his torso from where it lay at the lip of the cave. Looking up at the harsh sun of Iridonia and feeling the shifting sands of her deserts beneath his bared feet, hearing the howling wind in his ears and scenting it in equal measure, a low, raspy chuckle would come from the Assassin. A storm was brewing on Iridonia, just as it was within the Galaxy.
It was a day later that the Phasma Class Interceptor would land on Commenor, unseen and hidden beneath her Stygium Stealth Systems. And there it would sit empty and devoid of any life as the one that had piloted it had long since gone. Indeed, within the Palace, a cloaked form would glide forwards with a soundless grace, feet covered only by the barest strips of cloth making no sounds what so ever. Of course, for someone to even see such a sight would require the figure to be visible in the first place. As an Assassin first and foremost, stealth was the part of being a Sith that Darth Lykos had focused on the most, as such, as he moved through the Palace, not only did the Force cling to him like a cloak, rendering him both unseeable and unhearable, but it also did not reveal his Presence within it as it had been both disguised into a porcelain, blank mask by Quey'tek - a mask that emmited no intent and, as such, rendered his partially hidden from Precognition -, made to blend in with and match the background feeling of the Force through Force Stealth and reduced to nothing more than a pin prick if both of the prior abilities should fail through Art of the Small. As much as Lykos was a Sith, he considered himself in equal measure as a Shadow and was living up to his self belief with ease and grace.
Slipping through an open door after passing his way through a rather upscale office (upscale by his minimalistic standards of decor), the Iridonian was granted witness of the striking figure of Lady Kay stood by her widow, the light streaming into the darkened room highlighting her form perfectly. As he took a few more steps forwards, the room would be revealed to him as the pupil in his eye shifted from slitted to full rounded, granting him vision within the dark. Stopping a few meters behind the new ruler of Commenor, Lykos would let the Cloak fall from his form, rendering himself visible and audible once more. After all, he had come to talk, not kill.
A clearing of his throat would be what alerted the woman to his presence within her bedchambers and, when or if she would turn to look at him, she would be greeted with a tall and broad form cloaked in robes that seemed to meld with the shadows. Bowing slightly at the waists, the Iridonian would speak, his voice gravelly, deep and rough - a part of the reason why it was so gravelly being highlighted by the light streaming in as the deep scar that wrapped around his throat would be briefly illuminated. "My Lady Kay, it had been too long."
[member="Lady Kay"]