[member="Jyoti Nooran"] - The original suggestion was to merge our memberbase into the SJO to fight the TSE with an equal number of writers, as we thought you guys were stepping fully into the war, not to influence or control the faction. The RA's existence has always been to stall the TSE while the SJO, the RR, and the (now late) GA could rise back to prominence. I don't think the leadership has ever suggested trying to influence the SJO into doing anything.
Also, we aren't talking about wholly throwing in the towel. The faction was never meant to be more than a PVP faction, of which it's accomplished its goal. A good number of our writers haven't been enjoying that PVP however, which is why we're talking about just moving or merging with one of the other majors to fight the Sith on equal footing. It has definitely been a numbers problem lol, and one I could remedy if I had the time to actively recruit. I'm hoping to grab up someone else who does.
You're probably right though on the crudeness. I've been leading successful MMO guilds since I was a kid, and the primary reason I did that was because other RP guilds had language control. We couldn't curse, make certain jokes, etc because it would look bad on the guild. I have a pretty dark sense of humor, so I could never be myself in those places.
I usually don't enforce any sort of language rules over my factions because I believe in total freedom of self, but this environment is different. I find people take even OOC comments far more seriously and are much more quick to choose to be offended than the MMO environment - it doesn't jive with me. I find the groups without language rules and are allowed to act how they like OOC grow closer than groups that do not. It might have been bad for the board, but it's helped me to develop IRL friendships with some fantastic people, and set the more relaxed individuals at ease. Unfortunately this makes recruitment a far more hands on process as the insular nature of the group may look duanting to outsiders, which requires a member of that group to show them that we're friendly and open,, which honestly is usually better in my opinion, but I personally just don't have the time to get hands on in the right way.
We'll probably put up some form of language control or something for the sake of quality control, though personally I believe that people choose what they're offended by, and should be more worried about why they're choosing to let things bother them than silencing the humor of others.
Just felt the need to clarify before I start hearing about more of my 'evil plans' to take over the board or control every faction start spreading again.