Princess Healer
Dragon School
[member="Josh Dragonsflame"]
KashyyykMidday - Lesson Rooms
She was well early. Her papa always said you should never be late for class, especially if a master was taking the class. Thora frown at his words as he left her here alone sitting on the wooden bench, her feet dangling swaying. It was cool in the room, that was nice and suited her well although she had grown a little accustomed to the climate it still bit at her Valkyri blood.
After spending time on Kashyyyk, and watching the other Jedi train and study in the force, she wanted to be one. Just like her papa and her grandparents, it was a long line of Jedi going back as far as greatgrandmama and probably beyond that as well. Although she had attended some lessons about Jedi codes and pillars, she did not truly understand what that all meant. And patience was not really a strong suit for Thora, and she supposed it was the same for most younglings.
Not having a saber of her own yet, she would practice form I with a stick she found in the jungle, she had it with her today and decided to run through some of the moves in the form, as best she could remember. She did not remember them well and kept losing her balance.
Her focus was the issue, her mind filled with the thought of what a Dragon School was all about, and what possibly could a Jedi Master want to train her in about dragons. It did sound exciting though, for one thing she did not know dragons existed which was kind of scary and thrilling at the same time. Thora imagined one before her, she lunged her forward with her stick pretending to pierce the chest of the dragon.
“Dragon! I vanquish you to the abyss”. She called out in victory.