Fallen Knight
Well this was completely out of left-field. The idea for a two day getaway in a traditional cruise setting was... Zemira's idea. But it was nice, really nice, and a much-needed break. Ever since the events following his and Ki'an's capture at the hands of Insatious, barely escaping with their lives - Cas had worked and trained non-stop, finding ways to rescue and return the Mandalorian's wife and eldest child to him. To no avail so far. Despite the relaxing atmosphere and relaxing on the cruise's beach chair, allowing the sun's rays to warm his skin, Cas couldn't relax. His mind constantly returned to Insatious, training and ways he could defeat the Sith Lord and rescue Ki'an's family.
Trying to think of other things, his thoughts lingered onto Zemira. He theorised that she needed this getaway as much as he did, knowing that the evacuation on Charros IV effected the Hapan deeply. Cas still couldn't wrap his head around her inviting him, someone like her definitely would have had better options. Then his throughts began trailing back to Insatious. Letting out an annoyed quiet growl, he sat up swiftly into a seated position and pinched the bridge of his nose. Cas really needed to occupy his mind and stimulate himself.
Dressed in a white t-shirt and swimshorts, Cas buried his hand and exposed cybernetic hand into his pockets and begun wandering the cruise ship. In hopes of finding some sort of activity. As he walked beside the railing, Cas caught a glimpse of the open ocean and its horizon, letting out a euphoric sigh - this was nice.