Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What happens when the Insane meets a Pyro?

What was this, the second time he had come here to deal with a problem, one the police just couldn't seem to fix. He had only ever been to this planet twice before, once to scope out the planet and find the little nooks and crannies that littered along the streets, and the other for some dancer gone mad. Both ventures he had gained something, one was knowledge the other a fun time. But this time, a new string of murders had erupted from the depths, flames boiling people alive, there bodies becoming nothing more then small puddles of ash and scarred flesh.

He had come for one reason. To catch the serial killer. Though that is what he led anyone who asked to believe. In truth, he wanted to kill himself, and with a serial killer on the loose, it would be easy enough to get away with. Any kid running in the street with a match was enough of an excuse to trick the authorities. Though to say it had left his relationship stressed was an understatement. He knew that coming back so soon would end in what would be an attempted arrest. No, instead he used his knowledge of the cities anatomy to hide in the shadows, and get to work. Scoping out his victims in the hopes of finding the killer for what one might call akin to, a Play Date.

He looked up to the skies, the darkness around the city illuminated by the lights, dampening even the stars themselves. Slowly he wandered through some alleyways, he looked around, it was quite clear that the police had yet to find this carcass. The body laced with boils, there face twisted and turned in horror as he pressed his fingers onto the skin, his Armor covering his fingers as he pressed down,the skin had long since solidified, though its form gave heed to the fact that what was once a living being, had since been turned into nothing more then a fine paste.

Slowly he paced back and fourth, looking around to see any clues, nothing more then burn marks littering along the walls, the marks were a common placed weapon. The mighty flamethrower, at the very least it wasn't some fancy force powers. Otherwise this whole thing would be a lot less intriguing. As he looked around he looked to the heap of flesh, his boot slowly stepping on it as he watched it move like some sort of putty, taking a step out he started to move, tracking a long line of the body behind him.
@Anya Loma
A flame
Yes that is what she loved
Just the way it moved and behaved was amazing
It looked better on living things as they screamed and fell trying to put the flame out
Or when they ran on fire into people causing made her laugh

Now here she was again...she could hear those sirens and police it practically military gear moving along the streets to look for the 'pretty burn' or even the melter such names seemed booookrimg to her

She however like the Scarlet fire a lot

But now she had encountered another victim...a man looking like he was about to get bad

As she approached the man seemed to look and tell her to get lost

It wasn't until she raised her arms and he saw the fire that he would regret that as the fire surrounded him and the girl in burning inferno causing them to scream...sadly now he had to run...and so she did as she laughed manically and started for the sewers....back home to rest and maybe tomorrow do it again....but the future unknown to her was gonna change
Quickly he looked up, a faint siren ringing in the distance, buzzing past him, his lips coiling into a savage smile as he activated his boots, tossing himself up into the air and atop the building. He bent down, bouncing with glee as he started to move closer and closer to the buzzing, watching as the vehicles buzzed around, it seemed that they were in hot pursuit. His fingers ran between each other, cracking against their force as he looked around, waiting for one of the speeders to fly above him.

After a few minutes of waiting his boots crackled and popped propelling himself up and onto a speeder, holding onto it as he slowly coiled his body around it, holding himself underneath so he could wiat and watch for any glint of flames, something they wouldn't see hidden beneath the brush of buildings that laced the city streets.
@Anya Loma
And the chase was on as she laughed and started to just go wild running into the street and firing at any in her oath police pedestrians building speeders whatever she could before she ejected the canisters and out in more

[member="Thraxis"] would be able to see this perfectly from his view as she ran into a alley way and got surrounded yet didn't stop running as she jumped and twisted her body like a expert acrobat would jumoimg off a wall then another as she released flame upon the police and kept going
AS he watched and waited he stared down, his eyes narrowing in on the gout of flame that danced from some unknown assailant, "Found ya." he muttered to himself before releasing his grip, his body plummeting down, blocking her direction with a good bit of distance between the two of them. His body twisting and turning like a torpedo, his eyes narrowing down as he landed with a solid thump, his body turning around as he boots let loose a loud roar as a rocket powered boots hovered him above the ground.

As he landed he felt a powerful shock wave, it seemed he had made a mistake with the landing as he pulled himself up, a sharp burst of pain running through his body as he slowly pulled himself up, his head covered by his mask turning, showing nothing more then a smiling face as he turned to his victim. "Sup, been hearing you have been causing quite the mess." he said as he looked behind her, watching as all the people danced the common dance of death when fire gets involved.
@Anya Loma
Seems that it was getting interesting even more so now that this new person had arrived

Ooooo did they send me a play date! Finally someone I can actually our effort into and burn to a nice crisp!"she said as she laughed"and a mess no no no I don't make messes!"she said as she held her wrist out and let loose a torrent of fire right at him laughing
"Send?" he responded, looking back and fourth flustered as he didn't know what she was talking about before it all clicked, "Ohhh, the police." he said as he looked to see a gout of flame rushing his way, before his boots rushing its own torrent of flame propelling himself back, its flames spiraling with the other, "Well, that explains why they weren't cooked too well." he responded as he looked as the spiral of yellow and red started to dance closer towards him as silence started to fall on the men that had previously danced in the flames.

As he moved himself out of the flames he responded, "No see, you do make messes." he continued, before pulling out his blaster and taking a few wild shots through the flames, "Mainly because you are using such shoddy fire." he almost laughed it seemed that this planet just wasn't popping out any good serial killers. First their was the Mad Meat Stabber, at least that is what he liked to call her, and now you have Little Miss Pyrocynical over here, "I might just need to start giving lessons in how to be a serial killer." he muttered to himself before finally stopping, feeling confident that he was far enough away from the flames.
@Anya Loma
She was confident she got him till she heard him speak of how she did make messes and made fun of her fire...

So as she let the flames go she saw him shoot and ducked and twisting flipping over as she turned and gave a bug grin listening again"I don't knooooooow I was told not to go with strange looking men

Meanwhile the police seemed to surround the two guns raised and she looked around"oh poo now look what you did simply no way for me to escape"She said as she changed the canisters out again and looked to him"I may have to take those lessons seems I can't escape and I don't look good in orange...

"Well, your lose." he responded as he turned around, looking towards the officers behind him. "Oh. It looks like you heard my plan." he said as he raised his blasters, firing a few quick rounds into their skulls with ease, but not before one of them let loose a shot, its bolt running off his armor as he looked down, turning towards her and watching how she responded. He had just dealt with his side of the issue, now it was up to her to deal with her side.

In the meantime he moved over to one of the officers, removing his clothing as he started to try it on, a tight fit considering it had to wrap itself over his armor but as long as it lasted long enough he would have no trouble getting out of the city.
@Anya Loma
She watched him just....shoot the officers and cause them to fall....odd man....she might like this one this one may not be one to burn

Meanwhile she turned around to her thing and put her arms behind her back grabbing a small glass bottle with that familiar cloth at the end took a lighter and lit the end before throwing it at the gathered officers which broke causing flames to cover one before she got in close and released hells flame upon them causing them to break and rub into each other in a screaming mess before she ran over to the man"well Mr stranger I think we should leave now they'll more then likely call in the bigger guns"she said and laughed manically
"Oh. Your afraid of the bigger guns?" he responded as he looked her up and down, it would make sense, little to no armor, nothing more then flame based weapons to defend herself. Especially with only red to yellow flames she would never stand a chance.

"Well. I guess then it is best, follow me then I suppose. I got a ship waiting for me at the docks." he said with a flourish of his arm, making his way to the docking bay, assuming she would follow him.
@Anya Loma
She gave a smile as she heard him and quickly started following being able to keep up with him it seemed

Meanwhile indeed bigger guns was called in...a few speeders with Gunners came in and started to rain fire upon the two with repeating guns

Meanwhile Anya seemed to just bounce around the shots hoping this man's ship wasn't to far away....considering they weren't she was just in luck

However the docks were now under lock down with military personnel using check points and bigger guns then blaster pistols"uh oh....Mr stranger seems they don't wanna let us out....and my poor flamethrowers can't fight those bad men"she said as if she was one to talk about being bad
"Pfffft. Child's play." he said as he looked up, watching as the bigger guns were more then what he thought, they less then what he hoped. Slowly he started to dart through the buildings, his body almost lax as he used them as cover as hail fire rained down on them, his armor could take enough hits, but a full on barrage from one of them was more then he wanted to deal with.

AS he moved through the city he finally got a look at the docks, "Huh, guess we are more of a problem then I predicted." he muttered as he pulled out his comm, hiding between the cracks of the buildings, "Gammoreans, need you guys to start some chaos. Especially in the docks, I need the gate open pronto." he said before cutting out the message, turning to the lass before nodding, continuing his advancement.

It was withing minutes that the hell became audible, the sound of squealing erupting all around as he approached, as well as the sound of the doors creaking open, no one ever expected a Gammorean to be effective, they were the butt of the joke in the Galaxy, something which he took complete advantage off.
@Anya Loma
She stopped with him and listened to him as she seemed to take a minute to take a breath and pull a energy bar out taking a bite then looked to him as he started advancing and followed close to him

Mea while as soon as he gammoreans started their work the guards were distracted and taken by surprise as they were overwhelmed and then the doors opened as she bounced and clapped"yaaaaay piggy piggy opened the gate"she said as she continued to follow but couldn't help hearing the groaning of those that were wounded and took a minute to burn at least five before going back to [member="Thraxis"] with a big insane grin
"Don't have time to go murdering people, we still gotta get off planet and out of here!" he yelled back with a disjointedness ringing through his voice, he could hear the whole city heading towards the docks as they pressed onward, before opening his comm and sending out a message, "Ya lot done your job, now get back to the ship, we gotta get off planet as soon as possible!" he demanded, before looking towards the Kosak-Class frigate he had taken from the Cartel.

As the doors fell down he saw a mass of green rushing towards them, it seemed they had gotten the message though it would take a few minutes for them all to board, "Soldiers! Man all guns, we are gonna be in for a fight before we get of this damnable rock!" he yelled as he stood at the lowered door, watching as the Gammoreans hurried onto the ship.
@Anya Loma
She perked up as she ran back to him staying close to him as she watched the sea of green just run past and into the ship as she awed just by the shear number of them all just running and running

Meanwhile she looked to the man and spoke"I have not gotten my knight in shining armors name"she said with a huge grin on her face"or is it my black knight....guess it depends on your thinking!

Meanwhile the hive had been disturbed soldiers ships fighters whatever they could get was pressing in on them tanks were rolling along men behind them in flame proof clothing
In a matter of minutes the green tide had started to turn into a dribble, as the Turbolasers started to be manned, hails of light blasting all around the docks as the speeders flew past, firing hail after hail of blast, "Damnit... James won't be happy about this..." he muttered to himself as the last few Gammoreans got into the ship, "Okay men! Get this ship out of here!" he demanded, the ship slowly hovering over the ground before starting its ascent through the atmosphere, "Heh... home free." he muttered before falling to the ground, snapping his fingers.

"My name? Thraxis." he responded, resting on the ground as he yawned, today had been both eventful and boring. A strange mixture but who knew what tomorrow had in store.
@Anya Loma
She watched as soon the green sea dried up and the Stanger that was apparently saving her give the order to board as she followed feeling the rocking of the ship from incoming fire and such

[member="Thraxis"]? Huh odd yet cool name I'm uhhhh well if yea wanna call me it scarlet burn but I'm Anya loma"she said as she seemed to oddly enough calm down not having anything to burn and not wanting to get kicked off

Meanwhile crushers started to give a chase firing turbo lasers and deploying fighters
"Solid Name." he responded before he felt the ship take a heavy hit, "Keep firing!" he yelled through his comm, starting to advance to the head of the ship, the rocking was slightly annoying as it kept impacting the hull, though the sound of lasers meeting back was an almost comforting noise.

"Captain! We will be out of here shortly, the engines are just warming up!" one of the Gammoreans yelled back, before flicking a few buttons and releasing a hurricane of lasers towards one of the Cruisers.
@Anya Loma
She gave a littke bow with a grin" I suppose I am how do they say ut....indebted to you now"she said as she lost her balance by the rocking and yelled as he got on the comms"tell email I ain't going back either stupid planet no fun

Meanwhile the cruiser that got the concentrated he'll of fire had its shields buckle and soon drop before it had to pull back from the onslaught of laser leaving only one left

Now in any case I'm sure you know people I can get jobs from right? I mean I could work for you do what you need so long as I can gift people my flame!

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