Matsu Xiangu
The Haruspex
It was hard to come back.
Whether she'd really been gone at all was a matter of debate. There were times she thought maybe she's just wiled away the months in her bed - catatonic, living off the Force.
But if that were true, she would have woken up when He came for her.
She'd been gone. She'd seen things out there.
(At first she'd been one of the creatures at the bottom, suddenly jettisoned in to a place that had no need for her and no knowledge of her. It had been jarring after the all the places she'd known. She fought for her scraps, picking up little bits here and there and piecing herself back together. It was pain and it was sweat - a thousand indignities she bore to get here. Something else. She'd always been something else.)
And yet she came back. There were others she wanted to see - [member="Vrag"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Darth Zilti"] - but some things were sacred. She'd never said as much to Him, but perhaps her reappearance when so much more called her in places far, far from here would denote devotion.
He feels different.
She doesn't know the ship, but she knows where he is. Part searching, part rumor, part instinct. (It feels slow, tedious, to fly now. In another place she might simply unfold, extremities materializing black and inky, risen from tar to find herself in the middle of the deck of the massive ship. But she must fly.) Maybe he felt her or maybe the crew aboard had simply been told that one day she might appear, but she has no trouble docking the tiny one-seater and slipping out of the ship.
He feels different.